Chapter 30


She had to act normal. Frankie had instructed her that on no uncertain terms was Emma to tell anyone about her wedding ceremony to Luke the night before. He was sorting it all out so she could go ahead and marry Charlie. To put her mind at rest, he was going to call her as soon as he’d spoken to the right people. . He was acting as though it was just a tiny little issue that he had to take care of. An accident, like simply falling over or losing her keys. It hadn’t meant anything. After Frankie had told Emma what had happened and how he’d found her, she was literally stuck for words. She was disgraced. He’d ignored the part where she’d told him her feelings for him, and Emma felt horrified for having said anything now. She just listened to Frankie’s instructions. Obediently did what she was told so she didn’t ruin the biggest day of her life. He kept reiterating over and over that she loved Charlie and wasn’t thinking straight before of wedding nerves. Maybe that’s what he really believed? Either way, without Frankie by her side, Emma felt as though she had no choice but to go ahead with the original plan. She ignored the pain in her heart, the disappointment that Frankie hadn’t whisked her away, and plastered a smile on her face when she saw Kim and Holly in front of her.

‘Where have you been?’ Holly asked, looking delighted to see her. ‘We’ve been so worried about you! Haven’t you seen all your missed calls?’

Emma sighed. ‘It’s a long story, but I’m here now. I just got drunk, that’s all. I bumped into my aunt and ended up going to her room for a chat,’ she fibbed, knowing they would never find out otherwise; she had a single aunt, Brenda, who had come away on the trip. ‘I fell asleep by accident. I hope the make-up artist can work her magic with my face when she arrives. I look and feel awful.’

Emma opened the hotel room, grimacing when she spotted the bottle of champagne on ice. No way was she touching that this morning. ‘The others are coming here at some point to get their hair done, Holly. I hope that’s okay?’

‘Of course,’ Holly shot her a warm grin, ‘I said anyone that needs hair doing, send my way. Happy to help in any way I can.’

‘That’s so nice of you,’ Emma told her earnestly.

Emma tried to act how she would have done if she were happy with the choice she was making. She tried to imagine how normal brides were on their big day. Anxious? Giddy with excitement? Quiet? Constantly chatting away to disguise the fact they were terrified? It was difficult keeping up the bright tones and fake smiles, and Emma didn’t know how to feel when she heard her phone beep and see Frankie’s name pop up on the screen of her phone.

Good news. The ceremony wasn’t legal. The chapel also performs ceremonies just for fun. There’s nothing stopping you getting married today. I’ll see you down the aisle! Frankie xx

Emma gulped, staring at the words until her eyes became watery and her nose tingled. There’s nothing stopping you. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes, thinking about how she just needed to make it through the day. Soon it would all be over. She would be Charlie’s wife and she would just have to get on with it. She’d made her bed and flown everyone out to Vegas. But she couldn’t ignore the fact that it had become clear to her, now more than ever, that she really didn’t want to go through with it. Emma couldn’t stop thinking about Frankie and how she’d felt that morning when she thought he was her husband. There was a connection between them that felt right, she was certain of it. She’d never felt so out of control over her fate. She was so worried about disappointing everyone else, but what about her? Did her own happiness matter?

‘Do you want a glass of bubbly?’ Holly asked.

Emma shook her head violently. ‘Absolutely not. But you two go ahead and open it, help yourselves to a glass. It’s such a waste otherwise. Sorry my hair is such a mess,’ she apologized. She didn’t actually care. ‘I quickly washed it before I came here and it’s gone a little frizzy because I didn’t have time to dry it properly. Thank God you’re here to make it look nice.’

Holly nodded, beginning to brush it.

‘You sure you don’t mind us opening this? It feels wrong if you’re not having any. I don’t exactly feel amazing myself, but I’m hoping the hair of the dog is going to work,’ Kim giggled.

‘Honestly, please go ahead,’ Emma insisted. Someone may as well have fun on her wedding day.

Emma was a master at masking her feelings when she wanted to. She remembered being at school once when she was about fourteen and overhearing Sally Bateman and Hayley Martins whispering that she would have to wear a tent to the end of year party as it was the only thing that would fit her. Too embarrassed to tell her friends why she was upset, Emma just pretended she hadn’t heard it, but she’d felt dejected for weeks afterwards. Another time, Emma had gone on a girls’ weekend trip to Amsterdam, even though she didn’t want to go because she couldn’t afford it. She’d agreed to go initially because she hadn’t realized the cost. She’d been a student at the time, and knowing she would upset the others if she pulled out because it would be an odd number, meaning someone would have to pay more for their room, she felt she had no other choice and forced herself to join in the excitement, which she really hadn’t been feeling at all. She was a people pleaser – she hated letting others down. She disliked fuss and causing problems. She didn’t want people to ever feel sorry for her. She was the type of person to have a splitting headache all day, but not complain. She would say yes to babysitting her friends’ children, even though it meant she had to change all her plans. She was a professional at tricking people into thinking she was perfectly okay, when she wasn’t. Today was no exception.

Everyone seemed to be in good spirits but Emma had never felt more alone in her life. Danni and Fran arrived with more champagne and shortly afterwards her two cousins joined them too. There were giggles and perfume being sprayed. The flashing of photographs lighting the room and hairdryers blasting out noisily made Emma feel as though she couldn’t even hear herself think. From the outside, it was a typical bridal party morning.

The more people who arrived in the room, the more Emma wanted to disappear. How she wished she was just a bridesmaid, or better still, just a wedding guest. She didn’t want the day to be all about her and as much as she’d got used to attracting attention on her social media pages, this was a different feeling entirely. She felt overwhelmed, like the room was closing in on her. Her chest was red and blotchy again and she was shaking uncontrollably. Was it through nerves or because of the alcohol the night before? Emma wasn’t sure.

‘You look amazing,’ Fran commented.

‘Thanks,’ Emma managed.

When the make-up artist was finished, Emma turned and looked in the mirror.

‘Oh wow, Emma. You look incredible,’ Kim said in admiration.

‘Stunning,’ Holly agreed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

She had to agree. Holly and the make-up artist had done a fabulous job and somehow, even after just a few hours’ sleep, she did look nice. It was just a shame she didn’t feel it and couldn’t join in their enthusiasm.

‘Shall we get the dress on?’ Holly suggested. ‘We actually don’t have that long left and I’m worried about how long it takes the do the buttons up at the back.’

Emma raised a meagre smile. ‘Okay.’

‘You seem really calm,’ Danni added. ‘I’m not so sure I would be on my wedding day,’ she laughed loudly, clearly getting a little merry from the champagne.

Holly helped her into the dress.

‘Gorgeous dress, Emma,’ Kim said, looking in the mirror as she applied her lip gloss.

It was a large room but there seemed to be too many people in it, and as Holly started buttoning up the dress, she felt even more like the room was closing in on her.

‘Emma, Frankie has asked where you put Charlie’s new cufflinks? He’s on the phone now,’ Fran called.

‘Emma, the photographer is asking whether he should go to Charlie’s room now. Shall I tell him you want him here a bit longer?’ Danni asked. ‘Are you dressed yet?’

‘Em, did you want to go ahead with the hair piece?’ Kim was asking. ‘Don’t want to worry you, but we should get it in before we run out of time. Holly will need to put it in.’

‘God, these buttons. There’s so many of them,’ Holly exhaled from behind her, sounding a little stressed that time was running out. ‘Beautiful dress, but my gosh, they certainly didn’t take into consideration how long it would take the bride to get into it!’

‘Where’s your perfume, Emma? The photographer has asked to take a photo of it along with your shoes?’

Emma felt the heat creep up to her cheeks and she threw her hands up to her face, which felt as though it was on fire. She needed to get out of there. ‘Just stop,’ she said abruptly to Holly, who stood there open-mouthed. ‘Everyone just stop,’ she said, loudly this time.

Everyone stood there gawping at her as Emma picked up the train of her dress, and with no explanation ran from the room.