To prepare these translations in cases where the text is in question I consulted three, four, or more editions of Sappho’s Greek—principally LP (1955, still the “standard edition”), Page (1959), Campbell (1982), and Voigt (1971). The readings of the first three tend cumulatively to reinforce each other; Voigt offers an independent view of the text as well as a copious Apparatus Criticus.
The basic text translated is indicated following each poem or fragment. Below I note only where the translated text differs from the standard edition (LP). Usually this is a matter of readings or supplements adopted by Page and/or Campbell, often from the apparatus criticus of LP. On a few occasions I adopt readings from Voigt’s apparatus, or from Campbell’s, or from Page’s commentary.
LP 1: This translation accepts the argument advanced by Michael Putnam that the second component of the first epithet Sappho applies to Aphrodite, -thron’, is to be derived not from thronos (“throne”) but from throna (a “love charm” attached to dress, perhaps embroidered); see “Throna and Sappho 1.1” (Classical Journal 56.2, 1960, 79–83). Readers who prefer may substitute for “adorned” “enthroned.”
LP 2.1a: According to one reading of the textual evidence this is the conclusion of a stanza preceding the next (LP 2.1 ff.); according to the other LP 2.1 is the beginning of a new poem and this is part of another.
LP 2, with Diehl’s reading in 3–4 and Page’s in 8.
LP 5, as supplemented in Campbell.
LP 16.1–20, with Campbell’s reading in 19, LP’s conjecture in 8, and Rackham’s in 20. 12–16 represent my reconstruction of Sappho’s sense from the seven words of the passage still legible; I regard 21 ff. as the beginning of a new poem.
LP 17, as supplemented in Page.
LP 22.9–17, with 9–10 as supplemented in Campbell.
LP 23, with Castiglioni’s conjecture in 3, Page’s in 4–6, Wilamowitz’s in 7, Diehl’s in 8, and Hunt’s in 13.
LP 27.4–13, with Voigt’s reading in 7, Treu’s conjectures in 4, Snell’s in 8, mine in 9 (tachista [paisais]), and Theander’s in 12.
LP 30.2–9, with Lobel’s supplements in 6–8.
LP 31, with Voigt’s reading and Sitzler’s conjecture in 9, Page’s reading in 13, and reading with Voigt 213B.8 in 16.
LP 34, with Holt Okes and Ahrens’s conjecture in 4.
LP 44 is a poem in which Sappho adopts the “old fashioned” language and style of Aeolic heroic narrative, a tradition related to Homer’s.
Voigt 44A = LP 304, “Alcaeus T 1.”
LP 50, with Hermann’s conjecture in 1.
LP 55, with Bucherer’s reading in 2.
LP 58 new ed. West: I translate the Greek text as supplemented by Martin L. West, “A New Sappho Poem” (Times Literary Supplement No. 5334, June 24, 2005, p. 8) but in the tenth verse prefer the reading of the first publication, by Michael Gronewald and Robert Daniels in Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik #149 (2004) 1 ff.
LP 58.25–26: The new papyrus that gives us LP 58 nearly complete shows that these verses belong to a different poem.
Voigt 63, with Hunt’s conjecture in 1, Latte’s in 2, and Diehl’s in 3 and 4.
LP 94: In 22 “girl” is derived from the suggestion of the gender of the adjective apalan (“tender”).
LP 95, with Blass’ conjecture in 11.
LP 96.1–20, with Kamerbeek’s reading in 17. 18–20 represent my reconstruction of Sappho’s sense from the eight words of this stanza still legible. I regard 21 ff. (“Though it isn’t easy”) as the beginning of a new poem.
LP 135, as supplemented in Campbell.
LP 148.1; 148.2 is the palliative amendment of an interpolator.
LP 160, with Sitzler’s conjecture.
Voigt 168B = PMG 976.
Incert. 5.3, as in Edmonds 93.
Incert. 5.4, as supplemented in Edmonds 96.
EG, Sappho II = Greek Anthology 7.489.