Sorting the singly linked list

We will use the bubble sort algorithm for sorting the linked list. In the bubble sort technique, the first value is compared with the second value, the second is compared with the third value, and so on. If we want to sort our list in ascending order, then we will need to keep the smaller values toward the top when comparing the values.

Therefore, while comparing the first and second values, if the first value is larger than the second value, then their places will be interchanged. If the first value is smaller than the second value, then no interchanging will happen, and the second and third values will be picked up for comparison.

There will be n-1 iterations of such comparisons, meaning if there are five values, then there will be four iterations of such comparisons; and after every iteration, the last value will be left out—that is, it will not be compared as it reaches its destination. The destination here means the location where the value must be kept when arranged in ascending order.