Technical requirements

For embedded programming in C, we will use Keil MDK, which provides a software development environment for a wide range of ARM Cortex-M-based microcontroller devices. MDK provides the very easy-to-use µVision IDE, an Arm C/C++ compiler, and other libraries. You can download Keil MDK from the following URL: Let's take a look at the following steps:

  1. Download the following three executable files. You may not find the files with exactly the same names, but they will be somewhat similar:
    • mdk526.exe: This provides a development environment for ARM devices.
    • c251v560.exe: This provides development tools for all 80251 devices.
    • c51v959.exe: This provides development tools for all 8051 devices.
  2. Double-click on these executable files one by one and follow the setup dialog boxes to install these three Keil products.

Following the successful installation of these products, you will find an icon called Keil uVision5 on the desktop. The icon represents the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that enables us to write, edit, debug, and compile programs. The compiler converts the source code into a HEX file, which, in return, can be fused onto the target chip.

In order to work with Arduino, you have to buy the Arduino board and download the Arduino IDE from

At the time of writing this chapter, the latest version of the Arduino IDE that is available is 1.8.8. The downloaded executable file will be arduino-1.8.8-windows.exe. Connect the Arduino board to your PC and simply double-click on the executable file to install the Arduino IDE. When it has successfully installed, you will find the Arduino IDE icon on the desktop.