What this book covers

Chapter 1, Working with Arrays, covers some complex but essential operations with arrays. You will learn how to insert an element into an array, multiply two matrices, find the common elements in two arrays, and also how to find the difference between two sets or arrays. Also, you will learn how to find the unique elements in an array and will encounter a technique to help you find out whether a given matrix is a sparse matrix or not. Lastly, we'll look at the procedure to merge two sorted arrays into one array.

Chapter 2, Managing Strings, teaches you how to manipulate strings to the extent of characters. You will learn how to find out whether a given string is a palindrome or not, how to find a given occurrence of the first repetitive character in a string, and how to count each character in a string. You will also learn how to count vowels and consonants in a string and the procedure for converting the vowels in a sentence into uppercase.

Chapter 3, Exploring Functions, explores the major role played by functions in breaking down a big application into small, independent, and manageable modules. In this chapter, you will learn to make a function that finds whether the supplied argument is an Armstrong number or not. You will also learn how a function returns an array and will make a function that finds the greatest common divisor (gcd) of two numbers using recursion. You will also learn to make functions that convert a binary number into hexadecimal. Lastly, you will learn to make a function that determines whether the supplied number is a palindrome or not.

Chapter 4, Preprocessing and Compilation, covers a range of topics, including performing preprocessing and compilation, performing conditional compilation with directives, applying assertions for validation, catching errors early with compile-time assertions, applying stringize, and how to use token-pasting operators.

Chapter 5, Deep Dive into Pointers, shows you how to use pointers to access content from specific memory locations. You will learn how to reverse a string using pointers, how to find the largest value in an array using pointers, and the procedure to sort a singly linked list. Besides this, the chapter explains how to find the transpose of a matrix using pointers and how to access a structure using pointers.

Chapter 6, File Handling, looks at how, when storing data for future use, file handling is very important. In this chapter, you will learn to learn to read a text file and convert all the characters after a period into uppercase. Also, you will learn how to display the content of a random file in reverse order and how to count the number of vowels in a text file. The chapter will also show you how to replace a word in a given text file with another word, and how to keep your file secure from unauthorized access. You will also learn how a file is encrypted.

Chapter 7, Implementing Concurrency, covers how concurrency is implemented in order to increase the efficiency of CPU operations. In this chapter, you will learn to do a task using a single thread. You will also learn to do multiple tasks with multiple threads and examine the technique of sharing data between two threads using mutex. Besides this, you will become familiar with situations where deadlock can be created and how such deadlock situations can be avoided.

Chapter 8, Networking and Inter-Process Communication, focuses on how to establish communication among processes. You will learn how to communicate between processes using pipes, how to establish communication among processes using FIFO, and how communication is established between the client and server using socket programming. You will also learn to do inter-process communication using the UDP socket, how a message is passed from one process to another using the message queue, and how the two processes communicate using shared memory.

Chapter 9, Sorting and Searching, covers searching using binary search, sorting numbers using bubble sort, and the use of insertion sort, quick sort, heap sort, selection sort, merge sort, shell sort, and radix sort.

Chapter 10, Working with Graphs, examines implementing stacks, two-way linked lists, circular linked lists, queues, circular queues, and the dequeue function. You'll also look at performing inorder traversal of a binary search tree recursively, followed by performing postorder traversal of a binary tree non-recursively.

Chapter 11, Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms, looks at representing graphs using an adjacency matrix and adjacency list, how to do breadth-first and depth-first traversal of graphs, and creating minimum spanning trees using Prim's and Kruskal's algorithms.

Chapter 12, Creativity with Graphics, covers making different graphical shapes, drawing a line between two mouse clicks, making a bar graph, and animating a bouncing ball.

Chapter 13, Using MySQL Database, considers how no real-time application is possible without storing information in a database. The information in a database needs to be managed as and when required. In this chapter, you will learn to display all the built-in tables in a default MySQL database. You will see how to store information in a MySQL database and search for the desired information in the database tables. Not only this; you will also learn to update information in the database tables and the procedure of deleting data from the database when no longer required anymore.

Chapter 14, General-Purpose Utilities, teaches you how to register a function that is called when a program exits, along with examinations of measuring clock ticks in the executing of a function, dynamic memory allocation, and handling signals.

Chapter 15, Improving the Performance of Your Code, focuses on using the register keyword, taking input faster, and applying loop unrolling for faster results.

Chapter 16, Low-Level Programming, looks at converting a binary number to decimal, multiplying and dividing two numbers using inline assembly language, and converting decimal values into binary using the bitwise operator and by masking certain bits of a register.

Chapter 17, Embedded Software and IoT, shows you how to toggle a port of a microcontroller in Embedded C, increment the value of a port, toggle voltage in Arduino, take input from the serial port, and how to detect and record temperatures using Arduino.

Chapter 18, Applying Security in Coding, demonstrates how to avoid buffer overflow, along with how to write secure code, avoid errors while string formatting, and avoid vulnerabilities while accessing files in C.