Follow these steps for the depth-first traversal of a graph:
- Push the first vertex of the graph into the stack. You can choose any vertex of the graph as the starting vertex.
- Then, repeat the following steps 3 to 7 until the stack is empty.
- Pop the vertex from the stack and call it by any name, say, v.
- Mark the popped vertex as visited. This marking is done so that this vertex should not be traversed again.
- Display the marked vertex.
- Find out the adjacency vertices of the v vertex, and then perform step 7 on each of them.
- If any of the adjacency vertices of v are not marked, mark them as visited and push them on to the stack.
- Exit.
The program for the depth-first traversal of a graph is as follows:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define max 20
enum Setmarked {Y,N};
struct node {
char nme;
struct node * vrt;
struct node * edg;
enum Setmarked marked;
struct node * stack[max];
int top = -1;
void push(struct node * h);
struct node * pop();
int main() {
int numb, i, j, noe;
char v1, v2;
struct node * startList, * newNode, * temp1, * temp2, * temp3;
printf("How many vertices are there ?");
scanf("%d", & numb);
startList = NULL;
printf("Enter all vertices names\n");
for (i = 1; i <= numb; i++) {
if (startList == NULL) {
newNode = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
scanf(" %c", & newNode - > nme);
/* There is a white space before %c */
startList = newNode;
temp1 = newNode;
newNode - > vrt = NULL;
newNode - > edg = NULL;
newNode - > marked = N;
} else {
newNode = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
scanf(" %c", & newNode - > nme);
/* There is a white space before %c */
newNode - > vrt = NULL;
newNode - > edg = NULL;
newNode - > marked = N;
temp1 - > vrt = newNode;
temp1 = newNode;
printf("Enter the edges between vertices. Enter v1 v2, if there is an edge\n");
printf("between v1 and v2. Enter 0 0 if over\n");
noe = numb * (numb - 1);
for (j = 1; j <= noe; j++) {
scanf(" %c %c", & v1, & v2);
/* There is a white space before %c */
if (v1 == '0' && v2 == '0') break;
temp1 = startList;
while (temp1 != NULL && temp1 - > nme != v1)
temp1 = temp1 - > vrt;
if (temp1 == NULL) {
printf("Sorry no vertex exist by this name\n");
temp2 = temp1;
while (temp2 - > edg != NULL) temp2 = temp2 - > edg;
newNode = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
newNode - > nme = v2;
temp2 - > edg = newNode;
newNode - > edg = NULL;
newNode - > vrt = NULL;
printf("\nAdjacency List representation of Graph is\n");
temp1 = startList;
while (temp1 != NULL) {
printf("%c\t", temp1 - > nme);
temp2 = temp1 - > edg;
while (temp2 != NULL) {
printf("%c\t", temp2 - > nme);
temp2 = temp2 - > edg;
temp1 = temp1 - > vrt;
printf("\nDepth First traversal of the graph is \n");
temp1 = startList;
if (temp1 == NULL)
printf("Sorry no vertices in the graph\n");
while (top >= 0) {
temp3 = pop();
temp1 = startList;
while (temp1 - > nme != temp3 - > nme) temp1 = temp1 - > vrt;
temp3 = temp1;
if (temp3 - > marked == N) {
printf("%c\t", temp3 - > nme);
temp3 - > marked = Y;
temp2 = temp3 - > edg;
while (temp2 != NULL) {
temp2 = temp2 - > edg;
return 0;
void push(struct node * h) {
stack[top] = h;
struct node * pop() {
return (stack[top--]);
Now, let's go behind the scenes to understand the code better.