Chapter 140


I ARRIVED AT NETTY’S to Andréa and Netty waiting on the restaurant porch, crying.

“Theo,” Andréa said, “find Teddy.”

“I will,” I said grasping her hand, “What happened?”

“I saw a silver car parked at the bench. The kids were gone, the car running,” she sobbed. “I ran outside screaming for the kids. The car tore off. That’s all I know.”

I kissed her check and said, “I’ll find them.”

“Teddy looks like you,” she sobbed. “He’s brave like you. He thinks he’s Superman.”

My heart sank. Superman. “Then he’ll make good decisions and stay safe,” I said, trying to assure her. “You and Netty go to Imogene’s. Everyone needs to stay together until we find this bastard and the kids are home safe.”

As I headed to the car I said, “Alright God, I need a legitimate miracle here. No more of your jokes, your sick sense of humor . . . pure miracle. Nothing less will do.”