Select Bibliography

Adshead, Joseph, On juvenile criminals, reformatories, and the means of rendering the perishing and dangerous classes serviceable to the state (1856) Knowsley Pamphlet Collection, University Of Liverpool

Barrie, David, Police in the Age of Improvement: Police development and the Civic tradition in Scotland, 1775–1865 (2008) Devon

Barrie, David, The City of Dundee Illustrated (1890) Dundee, Winter, Duncan and Co.

Baxter, Thomas Handyside, Diary 1820–1830

Beatts, J. M., Reminiscences of an Old Dundonian (1883) Dundee

Cameron, Joy, Prisons and Punishment in Scotland (1983) Edinburgh

Chesney, Kellow, The Victorian Underworld (1970) London, Maurice Temple Smith

City of Dundee Police 150th Anniversary

Colman, Henry, European Life and Manners, in Familiar Letters to Friends (1849) Boston

Dundee Council Minute Books, Dundee City Archives

Dundee Courier and Argus

The Dundee Directory and Register for 1829–30 The Dundee Directory for 1837–38

The Dundee Directory for 1840–41

The Dundee Directory for 1850

The Dundee Directory for 1853–4 (1853) Dundee

Dundee Perth and Cupar Advertiser

Dundee Police Board Minute Book, 1824–1832, Dundee City Archives TC/PBM Series

Engels, Frederick, The Condition of the Working Class in England (1846, 1969) London

The Factory Act of 1833: eight pamphlets 1833–1834 (1972) New York

Fraser, Derek, Power and Authority in the Victorian City (1979) Oxford

Groome, Francis H. (editor), Dundee: A Historical Perspective, drawn from the Ordnance

Hughes, Robert, The Fatal Shore (1987) London

Hunt, Tristram, Building Jerusalem: the rise and fall of the Victorian city (2004) London

Kidd, William, The Dundee Market Crosses & Tollbooths (1901) Dundee

Knight, Alanna, Burke and Hare (2007) Kew

Livingstone, Sheila, Confess and be Hanged: Scottish Crime and Punishment Through the Ages (2000) Edinburgh

Mackie, Charles, Historical Description of the town of Dundee (1836)

McCraw, Iain, The Fairs of Dundee (1994) Dundee

McKean, Charles and Walker, David, Dundee: An Illustrated Introduction (1984) Edinburgh

McKean, Charles and Whatley, Patricia, with Baxter, Kenneth, Lost Dundee: Dundee’s Lost Architectural Heritage (2008) Edinburgh

McKean, Charles, Harris, Bob and Whatley, Christopher, Dundee: Renaissance to Enlightenment (2009) Dundee

Mackie, Charles, Historical Description of the Town of Dundee (1836) Glasgow

Macpherson, Euan, The Trial of Jack the Ripper (2006) London

Millar, A. H., Glimpses of Old and New Dundee (1925) Dundee Miskell, Louise, Whatley, Christopher A. and Harris, Bob, Victorian Dundee: Image and Realities (2000) East Linton

Morris, R. J. & Rodger, Richard (editors), ‘An Introduction to British Urban History, 1820–1914’, in The Victorian City: A Reader in British Urban History (1993) London

Murray, Patrick Joseph, Not so bad as they seem: The transportation, ticket-of-leave, and penal servitude questions (1857) Knowsley Pamphlet Collection

Phillips, David, (editor) James Myles, Chapters in the Life of a Dundee Factory Boy (1850, 1980) Dundee

Rodger, Richard, ‘Employment, Wages and Poverty in the Scottish Cities’ in The Victorian City: A Reader in British Urban History 1820–1914 (1993) London

Smout, T. C., A Century of the Scottish People 1830–1950 (1987) London

Sword, Jessie, They Did Wrong: Public Hangings in the Angus Area 1785 to 1868, Dundee, Friends of Dundee City Archives

Tobias, J., Nineteenth Century Crime, Prevention and Punishment (1972) London

Whatley, Christopher A. The Diary of John Sturrock Millwright Dundee 1864–65 (1996) East Linton

Whatley, Christopher A., Swinfen, David B. and Smith, Annette M., The Life and Times of Dundee (1993) Edinburgh