Sometimes the prescription your doctor has ordered for you has a price far higher than you expected, even if you have health insurance coverage. Before you risk getting surprised at the pharmacy register, look online to see if there are any coupons or discounts available for the drug you need to take. Some pharmaceutical brands provide information for coupon programs on their website, so check there if your doctor’s office or pharmacy doesn’t have information about a discount program from the drug maker (your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist is often aware of these programs that help their patients save money!). You can also search on drug coupon sites.
A good pharmacy coupon site is free to use and will provide pricing information for various grocery and drug store pharmacies in your area. If there’s a coupon available for that drug, you’ll be able to print it at home and take it with you when you pick up your prescription.
Just be sure to tell the pharmacist that you have a coupon before they apply the drug to your insurance plan. Sometimes you can use both together, but sometimes you can’t. In that case, you’ll be able to make a decision at the cash register whether to accept the price for your prescription plan or pay the retail price with the coupon you’ve found.
Going to the pharmacy to pick up medication can be an exhausting endeavor, especially when you’re not feeling well. But a few extra moments spent searching online could save you $10, $20, or potentially far more.