HACK 71 Budget Your Utility Bill

If you live in a climate that features roasting hot summers and frigid winters, your heating and cooling bills can be a major stressor month in and month out. Instead of sacrificing your comfort by keeping your thermostat at a level that makes everyone in your household resent you, find out if your utility provider offers a budget plan.

A budget plan analyzes your past bills and averages your monthly usage. Then it bills you the same amount each month, all year round. You’ll have to pay a higher bill during the spring and fall when you’re not using your utilities as much, but that slightly elevated bill will be predictable. Then, during those extremely hot or cold months, you set the thermostat and forget it (bonus points if you use a programmable thermostat). There may be a fee to participate, so check those details before signing up. It may still be worth it if you value a steady monthly bill.


At the end of the year, if your usage varies widely from what your utility provider estimated, you may have to pay the difference. So, don’t get lazy about where you set that thermostat, even though you’re on a regular utility budget. Some programs also warn that if you end your service with the utility provider before your year is up, you’ll need to pay for the difference in your usage. Budget plans like this are best for people who know they’ll be staying in one spot for at least a year or two after signing up.