Once you know your hourly rate (see hack 157), you can figure out if you have the financial space to outsource some tasks. Imagine the household tasks you hate to do; maybe you dread mowing the lawn, preparing meals, or mopping floors. Imagine someone was paying you your hourly rate to do that dreaded task. Does it make you want to do it more, or still avoid it? Or, could you pay someone else to do that same task, probably more efficiently than you can, at what might even be a lower hourly rate?
Spending money to do the chores you hate may not seem like a hack for making more money, but thinking smarter about your money and your time could eventually lead to an income bump. If you pay someone to do the tasks you dislike, you can spend more time focusing your energy on the work that makes you money. If you’re in a salary role, maybe you can use that time to learn a new skill or work toward a promotion. Or you can get more rest so you can be sharper at your morning meetings.
It’s especially important to consider outsourcing if you work for yourself or have a side hustle. If you can make more money doing what you’re good at and pay someone to do some of the other stuff, you can still come out ahead; and you have a richer portfolio of work to show for it too.