Even if you’re happy in your current role, it’s still a good idea to periodically check job listings for roles in your field. Doing so can help you learn a few key things that could help you earn.
First, those job listings give you an idea of what the competition is looking for in its candidates. A job listing for a role close to yours at a similar company can tip you off as to whether that company might be paying more for the role. Look closely at the job duties and requirements to see how the listing stacks up to yours. See duties on the list that aren’t on your job description, but that you’re regularly doing? Be sure to note that during your next review.
It also provides hints for what your next move could be as you progress in your career. Looking at jobs that are one level above you can help you prep for skills, certifications, or other factors that can aid in you getting hired or promoted.
Finally, it never hurts to be on the lookout for a new opportunity. You never know when the “perfect” job will open in your field—but it’ll probably happen when you least expect it. Don’t wait until you’re unhappy in your current role to go looking for something better.
This doesn’t have to be a time-consuming task. Set up a few job alerts on Indeed or Glassdoor and have them go to your personal email. You can “search” for a better job in just a few minutes a day.