You might decide that instead of checking in on your finances from home, you’d like to visit your favorite coffee shop instead. But that may not be a great place to log in to all your bank and credit card accounts to check your balances.
Public Wi-Fi networks are more vulnerable to hackers, which means your accounts are more vulnerable—even if you have rock-solid passwords and are logging in via secure websites.
If you must check your financial accounts while you’re out and about, use your data plan to access them from your phone instead of the Wi-Fi on your laptop or tablet. Hackers can still tap in to cellular networks, but it’s more difficult for them to do so. If you really want to use your laptop to review your finances in public, consider using your phone’s data plan to tether that signal to your computer.
Your best bet—just work on your finances at home, then go out for coffee with the newspaper or a good book.