By now, you know how important it is to check your credit report regularly. But did you know you can also access your financial risk profile? Your LexisNexis Risk Solutions report contains information about your financial history—much of it a repeat from your credit report—but also may include information about your education, property sales, traffic violations, and professional licenses, if you have any.
This information can be used to help companies decide whether to raise your insurance rates or insure you at all. For instance, your LexisNexis profile includes a CLUE report—comprehensive loss underwriting exchange—that helps auto insurance companies determine how risky you are to insure.
You can get one copy of this report each year for free. All you have to do is visit and provide the necessary information, including your Social Security number or your driver’s license number.
The process takes longer than checking your credit report—once you submit your request, you’ll wait for a letter in the mail with instructions for how to complete the process. Review your report for any errors or issues that look unfamiliar; errors could cause you to pay more for insurance or even be denied altogether. You’ll want to dispute any issues as soon as you can to keep your profile in tip-top shape.
Like a credit report, you can also freeze your LexisNexis report. Doing so can prevent someone from taking out an insurance policy using your personal information; it can also protect your profile from mistakes if you have a common name.