Have you ever thought about checking your child’s credit report? Probably not, because they shouldn’t have one until they start to actually use credit. But child identity theft does happen, and if it goes unchecked, it can have lasting effects.
A few warning signs that your child’s identity has been compromised:
If any of the above occurs, contact each credit bureau—TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian—to request they search for your child’s credit file. You’ll need to prove your child’s identity and your own in order to do this. If your child has a credit file, you’ll need to work with any lenders listed on their report, the credit bureaus, and the Federal Trade Commission to remedy their records.
If you’re not suspicious of child identity theft, it’s still a good idea to use your child’s Social Security number as little as possible and ask about privacy measures anywhere that it’s a required identifier.