It might seem a little mood-ring era to suggest taking a happiness quiz. Many people, however, are “so used to being unhappy that they barely notice it,” says psychologist Dan Baker, Ph.D., coauthor of What Happy People Know. “It’s like living next to railroad tracks: After a while, you don’t hear the trains.” Using the latest research, Baker has devised an emotional checkup based on his theory that happiness develops from a number of internal qualities, including courage, love, humor, altruism, and a sense of freedom and purpose. Although it’s impossible to quantify precisely how happy a person is, this quiz will give you a general idea of where you fall on the spectrum. Start by choosing how often you agree with the following statements.
Never [N]; Infrequently [I]; Sometimes [S]; Frequently [F]
1. I believe my life will truly begin when the right person or circumstances come along.
[N] [I] [S] [F]
2. I feel best when I give unconditionally.
[N] [I] [S] [F]
3. When I think about people in my life, I focus on those who have hurt or disappointed me.
[N] [I] [S] [F]
4. When I think about people in my life, I focus on those I care about and love.
[N] [I] [S] [F]
5. There is not enough time for taking care of me.
[N] [I] [S] [F]
6. I’ve helped myself through difficult times with a positive attitude.
[N] [I] [S] [F]
7. I take myself very seriously.
[N] [I] [S] [F]
8. I believe it’s up to me to find meaning in my life.
[N] [I] [S] [F]
9. When things don’t go well, I feel trapped or overwhelmed.
[N] [I] [S] [F]
10. Although life’s circumstances change, my beliefs and capabilities will allow me to survive and thrive.
[N] [I] [S] [F]
11. Who wouldn’t rather receive a gift than give one?
[N] [I] [S] [F]
12. There is a spiritual power that I can turn to for comfort whenever I need to.
[N] [I] [S] [F]
13. There are events in my life that have left me forever scarred and impaired.
[N] [I] [S] [F]
14. Life is a big joke, and it’s often at my expense.
[N] [I] [S] [F]
15. Fear keeps me from standing up for what I believe in.
[N] [I] [S] [F]
16. I’ve grown—emotionally, spiritually—through difficult and painful events.
[N] [I] [S] [F]
17. Without enough money or love, I can’t feel secure.
[N] [I] [S] [F]
18. I make taking care of my health a priority.
[N] [I] [S] [F]
19. People hurt my feelings.
[N] [I] [S] [F]
20. Life is good, and I appreciate what I have.
[N] [I] [S] [F]
21. I’m unclear about the purpose and meaning of my life.
[N] [I] [S] [F]
22. What matters most is enjoying relationships.
[N] [I] [S] [F]
23. I have too much to do.
[N] [I] [S] [F]
24. I feel fulfilled.
[N] [I] [S] [F]
• For every time you answered “sometimes,” give yourself a 2.
• For even-numbered questions: “never” and “infrequently” get a 1, and “frequently” gets a 3.
• For odd-numbered questions: “never” and “infrequently” get a 3, “frequently” gets a 1.
• Add up your total.
• 50 to 72: Congratulations! Consider yourself a happy person.
• 30 to 49: You’re not miserable, but your sunny side could use a nudge. Think about your strengths and the activities you love; focus more of your life on them. Obvious? Yes—but so is sleeping an extra hour when you’re tired: The trick is to actually do it.
• 29 or less: You could be getting so much more from life. Is your language—including the dialogue in your head—destructive? Over time, a little lingo substitution can gradually lift the mood. Is your first impulse to find fault? Try seeking out possibilities instead. Do you know any happy people? If so, what can you learn from them? When something bad happens, do you fall apart? That old cliché about finding strength through adversity is a golden rule for happy people. Finally, are you assuming that money, power, or status will bring you satisfaction—or that everything will be great when someone else changes? If so (and you get points for being honest), try shifting your focus inward and take responsibility for your emotions. Bottom line, and you’ve probably heard this every third day of your life, but there’s a reason for that: Only you can make yourself happy.