
No,” mumbled Umber. “No.”

“It’s for your own good,” said Agent Hot Magenta, speaking softly, and slowly slipping her right hand in over Umber’s elbow for an Iron Arm Bar if he tried to run.

“You think the chief of the Anti-Alien Agency is an alien. You need help.”

Agent Wild Blue Yonder crouched and gave another low, “Rowwwwrrr.”


“The chief is an alien. A bad alien. A Spaceheadz. He told me himself.”

Agent Hot Magenta guided Umber over toward the couch. She didn’t want to hurt him when she flipped him over with a Flying Windmill. And she didn’t want to break any of the equipment on her desk. “Agent Umber, we are AAA agents. You know it is our sworn duty to protect and to serve–”

“And to always look up,” Umber finished.

“Exactly. If you had any real proof that this was true, Agent Wild Blue Yonder and I would fight side by side with you, protecting and serving. And looking up.”

Agent Umber looked into Agent Hot Magenta’s seriously blue eyes. “You would?”

“We would,” said Agent Hot Magenta. “But you don’t. So I am going to have to take you in. Give me your badge.”

Agent Hot Magenta held one hand out to Umber . . . and slid the other behind his back to flip him.

Agent Umber suddenly felt very tired. He had tried so hard for so long to be a good agent. He really had. And now it didn’t seem to matter. Well, at least he could make Agent Hot Magenta happy. She could be the one who brought Agent Umber in.

Agent Umber leaned sideways to pull his AAA badge out of his pocket. He lost his balance for a second. He stumbled. He hopped. He stepped in Wild Blue Yonder’s water dish and flipped it, sending a sheet of water that completely drenched Agent Wild Blue Yonder.

The next part happened so fast that Agent Umber never saw it. But if he had been watching in slow motion, Umber would have seen

1. Wild Blue Yonder’s eyes popping wide open

2. Wild Blue Yonder leaping straight up into the air in a twisting, hissing freak-out

3. Hot Magenta falling back in surprise

4. Hot Magenta flipping over the back of the couch and conking her head on the coffee table

5. Wild Blue Yonder landing on all fours and running to the corner to try to lick herself dry

Umber stood, his AAA badge in his outstretched hand, staring at the unconscious Agent Hot Magenta on her couch, and the soaking-wet Agent Wild Blue Yonder in the corner.

Umber checked Hot Magenta’s pulse. She was fine. Just not conscious.

Umber looked at Wild Blue Yonder. She was not happy. She hissed.

Umber put a pillow under Hot Magenta’s head. He flipped open his AAA badge and looked at it. He was still an AAA agent. He would still protect and serve.

But now it was time to run.

Agent Umber ran.