
Michael K. walked into morning homeroom.

Venus and TJ were already in their usual seats in the back of the room. Bob and Jennifer sat next to them. Fluffy sat quietly in his cage.

Michael K. sat down in the very front row, next to Lisa, in a seat he never sat in.

“Hello,” said Michael K. “I’m Michael K.”

Lisa took Michael K.’s hand and shook it because she didn’t know what else to do.

“Yeah, I know,” said Lisa. “We’ve been in class for, like, half a year already.”

“I’m starting over again,” said Michael K.

“You’re starting fifth grade all over again?” said Lisa. “In the middle of the year? Can you do that?”

Michael K. did that.

He stayed in the front row and raised his hand to answer every question about the reading book, The Tale of Despereaux, even though it was a book about a mouse who loves a princess.

He sat at the table with Jackson, Madison, Raoul, and two kids whose names he didn’t even know for the whole holiday party.

He pretended he didn’t even see Bob and Jennifer.


He pretended to laugh when Joey told a bad knock knock joke about an elf.

When Venus and TJ came to his table and Venus said, “Michael K., what are you doing?” Michael K. answered, “Nothing.”

“Michael K., you are an idiot,” said Venus. “And you are a terrible friend.”

Michael K. kept doing nothing until the party was over, the half school day was done, and everyone walked out the door of 501-B for winter vacation.

Bob and Jennifer left with Venus and TJ.

Michael K. felt relieved. Then he felt terrible.

Having no friends was turning out to be worse than having weird friends.

Michael K. bit the head off a Frosty the Snowman and threw the body back on the tray of holiday fruitcake, elf cupcakes, and reindeer gumdrops.
