Follow the longevity eating plan and you’ll find yourself tucking into delicious meals and snacks that will leave you feeling and looking younger in just four weeks. What are you waiting for?
Unlike some anti-ageing diets, the longevity eating plan isn’t about depriving yourself. After all, who wants to extend their life if every mealtime feels like a penance rather than a pleasure? Although the plan is designed with nutrition in mind, it’s so much more than that. The aim is to also provide plentiful meal ideas that are easy to make, look fantastic, taste delicious, and, above all else, are what you really want to eat.
How the icons work
The recipes in the plan have been designed to deliver optimum nutrition for health and longevity. Although all recipes offer health benefits across the board, some ingredients come with even greater bonuses for certain parts of the body or for preventing specific conditions – and these are shown as icons, which correspond to the body sections.
In essence, over the next four weeks, the plan aims to get you eating a predominantly plant-based diet that’s packed with fruit, veg, and starchy, fibre-rich foods. It helps you significantly reduce the amount of meat in your diet but still encourages you to eat fish. And it’s designed to help you shift your calorie intake from evening-heavy to morning-heavy.
The eating plan across the weeks provides around 2,000 calories a day. But over the course of the plan, we distribute these calories between the meals differently to follow Key principle 1. You may well find you’re eating more food than you’re used to because the meals are packed with fruits and vegetables, which add bulk but few calories. The plan is high in fibre, so do be sure to drink plenty of fluids. All snacks provide about 250 calories each.
The great news is that from week one, the plan has the right levels of healthy fats, carbs, and protein for health and longevity.