“Daring plans, thrilling escapes, marvelous fight scenes, hilarious disguises, sweet friendship, a hint of romance...this book has it all. READ IT!!! You won't regret it.”

–Elizabeth Ender, author of Ransomed

“Jessica writes a heroine who is both feminine and strong, a blend hard to find and gold when found.”

–Anneliese Blakeney, author of The Princess and the Sage

Annabeth’s War is one of the best fictional books I've read! This talented author will hold your attention throughout the entire story! Her character development is superb—a necessity for good fiction. This is an epic first book by Jessica Greyson.

–Kayla, writer

“Jessica Greyson's debut novel, Annabeth's War, is a memorable tale of adventure, secrets, swords, dungeons, trust, distrust, love, and a ruthless villain. A must read!”

–Melody, writer

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