January Requirement for PzKpfw III announced.
May First production of PzKpfw III.
October British purchasing commission signs contracts for US M3 light and medium tanks.
March M3 design completed.
April M3 pilot models built.
October M3 medium reclassified substitute standard when M4 was standardized.
February M3 light and medium tank delivered to the British.
May 26– Combat debut of M3 mediums
June 18 with UK during the Gazala Line battle.
October 23–November 5 Battle of El Alamein, resulting in Rommel’s retreat toward Tunisia.
November 8 Operation Torch commences with Allied landings in Morocco and Algeria.
November 11 Vichy French forces sign armistice. Eighth Army enters Libya.
December 3 After weeks of advancing into Tunisia and Libya, German counterattacks regain some territory.
December 17 Germans commence withdrawal from Libya.
December 22 British commence attacks near Medjez el Bab.
December 24 Allied attacks in Tunisia are halted.
January 14 21. Panzer-Division deployed to halt Allied advance from west.
January 15 British recommence offensive.
January 18 Tiger tanks are committed for the first time.
January 23 Tripoli falls to British.
January 25 US forces secure Maknassy.
January 30 21. Panzer-Division pushes back US and French units at Faïd.
February 14 10. and 21. Panzer-Divisionen attack II US Corps near Faïd, defeating US forces at Sidi Bou Zid.
February 15 German attack reinforced by elements of 15. Panzer-Division.
February 17 German attack continues with two-thirds of 1st US Armored Division destroyed.
February 19 Germans attack toward Kasserine Pass and Sbiba; both routes defended by US and British troops.
February 20 Germans seize Kasserine Pass and almost make it to Sbiba but are held by the British.
February 21–22 Battered British and US units halt German drives toward Thala, Tébasse, and Sbiba. US reinforcements help push Germans back, and Rommel commences a withdrawal.
February 24–26 Axis command is reorganized, and their forces continue to withdraw while conducting delaying attacks.
April M3 medium reclassified limited standard as sufficient M4s become available.
May 12 Axis forces in Tunisia surrender.
April M3 medium declared obsolete.

The Germans tested several prototypes of PzKpfw III variants in efforts to improve the design. This is one of two 1939 Daimler-Benz Type ZW40 tanks fitted with a diesel engine and the large interleafed road wheels as used on halftracks.


A photograph showing a German Panzer III after it has been captured by British troops in North Africa. (IWM E16567)


This overhead shot clearly shows the right-hand side sponson gun, turret, and turret machine-gun cupola which were distinctive features of the M3. (NARA)