
When you are ready for your first shave, it’s best to get your dad, big brother, or another adult to walk you through it step by step, but here are some tips that will help the whole process go, um, smoother.

First of all, choose a razor. There are 2 types of razors: electric and manual. An electric razor needs to be plugged in, or at least charged, while the manual types use old-fashioned arm movements. Manual razors are disposable so when the blade wears out, you usually just throw it away and get a new one. A lot of people think that electric razors do not shave as close as the disposable razors.

If you choose a disposable razor, you will also need some type of shaving cream or gel to apply to your face before shaving. These creams and gels help lubricate your face and help reduce the risk of nicking or cutting your skin.

The best time to shave is after taking a warm bath or shower to make sure your skin is hydrated and soft.

Now it’s time to shave:

Step #1: Lather up! Apply shaving cream or gel.

#2. Go with the grain of your hair, not against it. Shaving against the grain (or upward) can cause rashes or red bumps.

#3. Don’t rush and don’t push down too hard with the razor. If you do, you’re likely to cut your face. It’s better to go over a part of the skin twice—lightly—than to press down hard. Ouch!

#4. Ask your mom or dad to get you an antiseptic styptic pencil. To use: dip the white pencil in water and then apply it to any nicks or cuts to stop bleeding immediately.

#5. Change razors or blades frequently. A dull blade can irritate your skin and cause rashes. You are also more likely to cut your face with a dull blade.

#6. After shaving, wash your face with soap and water. Then follow up your shave with a face lotion or moisturizing aftershave product. This will help prevent your skin from drying out. If you’re heading outside, be sure to apply sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15 (higher if you have fair skin).

Congratulations on surviving your first shave. You’ll soon be an expert since it is something many men do every day.