The door to my room is cracked open slightly. Gun drawn, I motion for Everly to step back. Ben rolls his eyes and Sebastian, slightly sober and completely back to his usual self, crosses his arms over his chest.
Confident that Everly can mostly take care of herself, I ease the door open, pushing my gun through.
“Put the gun down, Nikolai, and come inside. I’ve been waiting for you to get back.”
“Grandfather?” I whisper as the door opens.
A bodyguard steps forward and holds out his hand. I shake my head. “It stays with me.” However, in deference to my grandfather, I holster my gun.
Dmitri Romanov stands in the center of the room, his bright blue eyes missing nothing as the rest of my entourage follows me inside. A second bodyguard closes the door behind us, and that’s when I spy Vladimir.
Immediately, I grab Everly by the arm and put her behind me.
A smile plays on Grandfather’s lips when he sees this. He waves us over. “Come now. Let me meet the woman responsible for saving my grandson.”
Everly’s hand laces with mine, her palm damp as we cross the room.
“Nice to meet you,” she says quietly. “I’m Everly Andrews.”
My grandfather gives her a bear hug, lifting her off the floor. “You are welcome to my home anytime, Everly. Anytime. I owe you much for saving my Nikolai.”
Her face is nearly squashed against his chest as she says, “You’re welcome. I’d love to visit sometime when people aren’t trying to kill us.”
“That’s her way of saying it’ll be a cold day in hell before she comes back here,” Ben scoffs in the background. My hand itches to smack him. I hear a slap and then Ben shout, “What the hell?”
“You sounded ridiculous, Benji,” Sebastian drawls.
Guess I’m not the only one who thinks Benji needs to be taught a lesson every now and then.
“Would you stop with the nickname?”
“Only if you stop with the one-liners.”
“Can’t handle any more?”
Grandfather puts Everly down and eyes the two men behind me as they argue. “Enough,” he says, and they go completely silent.
Everly takes the opportunity to run back to my side. Yes, she’s confident. Yes, she’s armed, but she’s not stupid. Ben moves closer to us as well, stepping just ahead of Everly. He is protecting her, I realize.
“While I appreciate this reunion, I have a flight to Morocco to catch,” Vladimir drawls.
Grandfather steps back, leveling Vladimir with a ferocious scowl. “You will stay as long as I require.”
Vladimir sits down, crossing his leg at the ankle while attempting to look bored. “Very well.”
“Benji, please share what you’ve learned,” Grandfather asks pleasantly, sitting in a club chair by the fire. A bodyguard hands him a cup of tea. “Thank you, Adam.”
“Your suspicions were right, Grandfather.”
“What do you have to say for yourself, Vladimir?” Grandfather asks.
My father looks at me—briefly—then begins to speak. “I had to make sure Sebastian remained safe. Viktor attempted to help with that, after I explained the situation, and when that failed due to his paranoia over the organization toppling, I used Nikolai’s own staff against him. Like any other father, I did what was best for my son.”
I’m your son, too, you asshole. My muscles gather, my body screams at me to rip him apart. To make him regret ever throwing me away.
Everly chooses that exact moment to wrap her arms around me from behind, leaning her head on me. “It’s okay,” she whispers. “We’ll make it through tonight. I promise.”
I love you. I don’t deserve you, but I can’t help but love you. The words will never leave my mouth. Never get past the guards that control every thought in my brain.
“You have more than one son. And you could have come to me instead,” Grandfather replied. “Besides, you know Nikolai’s reputation. He would have never killed Sebastian.”
“He was willing to kill me,” Vladimir suddenly shouts. He jumps up from the sofa and marches over to me. I unwrap Everly’s arms, completely prepared to fight him. “You were willing to kill me, because I am a threat to you. You want to rule in my place.”
“Rule what? An empire with two masters? You cannot live in the shadow of the sun.” My jaw clenches. “I have never asked you for anything. Never demanded that you acknowledge me, or my rightful place.”
His face pales a little, his eyes going to Sebastian. “This is ridiculous.” He rounds on Grandfather. “Do you not hear the lies? Do you not see the deceptions that have been played out right under your nose? Meanwhile, there is a contract on my son’s life, and this piece of shit will be paid to see it through.”
“That won’t happen,” Grandfather says.
“Perhaps not by him, but someone will take on the contract.”
“I can guarantee you that will not happen.”
“Father, you are a god, but only in your country.”
Grandfather’s eyes darken. “You fool. I was the one who put out the hit. I was the one to demand that Nikolai be the one contacted.”
The entire room seems to freeze. I stare at my grandfather in shock.
“Why?” This from Sebastian. He looks ready to puke, not that I blame him. It’s not every day you find out your grandfather wants to murder you.
“For two reasons. One, because your father needed to be taught a lesson. He has not been honoring contracts, insulting the very people who made him an extremely rich man. Two, because I knew my grandson would not kill an innocent. Unlike some, he has honor.”
“Fuck me,” Sebastian swears. He looks at Vladimir. “Damn your pride. Damn everything about you.” He throws his hands into the air. “I can’t be in the same room as you.”
“Let me explain, Bastian.”
“No,” he chokes out. “You don’t get to do anything but stew in the fact that had my cousin been any other kind of man, I would be dead. If that even matters to you.” He whirls around, throwing the door open and storming out of the room.
Grandfather stops his bodyguards from going after him with a hand. “Let him go. Now that he sees his father for what he truly is, he can choose a different path.”
“Your mind is going, Father,” Vladimir sneers. “You only have one son left to make sure the Romanov name remains feared. Strong. Secure.”
“If that were true, then why have you accused Nikolai of trying to usurp your place?” Grandfather takes a sip of his tea. “I quite like this honey, Adam. Do be sure to find out what kind the hotel uses and then buy a case of it.”
Adam nods.
“Can we go now?” Everly asks.
Grandfather looks up at her, his stern expression changing into a soft smile. “Of course, my dear. You, Koyla, and Benji go play. Be young. Vladimir and I still have much to discuss, don’t we, son?”
Vladimir’s expression is sullen as he agrees.
Everly grabs my arm and tugs. “Let’s go. We can get another hotel room.”
Following her, I ask, “Why is that?”
She smiles as Ben punches the button for the elevator. “Because I feel like kissing you all night long.”
“My kingdom for two elevators,” Ben groans.
It takes us no time at all to exit the hotel. The night is warm. The streets busy with young couples and tourists going from hot nightclub to hot nightclub.
Ben whistles at a group of women. They smile and wave him over.
“Later, cuz. Everly.” He kisses her cheek and then jogs to the women.
“That boy,” she says with obvious affection.
We walk along the streets of Barcelona, arm in arm. “I can’t believe it’s over.”
I spy the building I’ve been dreading, yet hoping to find. “Neither can I. But you are safe.” And even if you’re not, I’ll spend the rest of my life watching over you. “Were you shocked to learn that my grandfather was behind it all?”
“Oh yeah. It was like a soap opera in there. A big scary-as-hell soap opera that I never want to watch again.”
I crowd her against a wall, placing my hands on either side of her, and dip my head. It’s now or never, I think. “You were so brave tonight.”
She grabs my tux and pulls me closer. “That’s because you gave me the tools.”
Our lips meet, barely touching at first, then growing deeper as time passes. Removing one hand from the wall, I grab her waist and pull her to me, fitting her curvy body against mine.
Running my hand down her back, I inch her dress higher and higher until I find what I’m looking for. She gasps. “Roman.”
I’m going to miss the sound of her voice.
The gates of the embassy begin to open. A car eases out. I grab her, whirling her around with the small gun in my hand.
“What in the world?”
I march her to the gate. “I’m sorry, Everly. It’s not safe for you. Even if I left, even if I started over, there are no guarantees you’d be safe.”
“Don’t do this,” she cries, tears running down her cheeks. She pushes at me, tries to make me let her go, but I cannot be moved. I cannot be deterred. I refuse to be deterred, even while my heart is being slashed with every cry, every tear, and every plea. “I’m willing to take the chance with you. Please, don’t send me away.”
“I’m sorry, love. Know that I only do this for your own good.” Pressing one last kiss to her temple, I shove her inside the gates, and onto American soil. She’s immediately surrounded by men in uniform. They ask questions while she screams my name and the gates close.
“Have you been hurt, miss?”
“Did someone strike you?”
“Roman, please…”
They lead her inside the building. I stand on the opposite side of the gate, only yards away from the woman I love, while I turn numb. I turn cold. I become the man I used to be, before he ever met Everly Andrews.
It’s the only way I can survive without her.
After an undetermined amount of time passes, my phone buzzes and I answer it. “She’s inside and safe. They’ve already determined her identity. She’ll be on a plane home by morning,” Ben says.
“Thank you.” I hang up the phone, and then I do what I do best.
I disappear into the shadows.