To my wonderful co-author Debbie Viguié, and to Michael Reaves, with love.

—Nancy Holder

To the three people who have always loved me: my parents, Rick and Barbara Reynolds, and my husband, Scott Charles Viguié.

—Debbie Viguié


Thank you Debbie, for being the great writer and friend you are. Thanks to Lisa “The Termineditor” Clancy and her intrepid Schusterians past and present: Liz Shiflett, Micol Ostow, and Lisa Gribbin. To my agent, Howard Morhaim . . . you’re magic. Thanks to David Hahn for the technical assist, and thanks to those who kept it goin’—Melissa, Von, and Jenn. Mahalo John and Shannon Tulius and Liz Engstrom of the Maui Writers Conference. You are no ka oi! And a big thank you to Christopher Vogler for writing The Writer’s Journey.

—N. H.

I would like to thank my coauthor, Nancy, whose generosity as a writer and a person has enriched my life. Thank you Lisa Clancy, you are a fabulous editor and your humor and compassion make you a joy to work with. To the organizers of the Maui Writer’s Conference I extend my heartfelt thanks. You do so much more than help writers grow in their craft, you provide a forum for forging friendships and alliances. Lastly I need to thank the people who have always believed in me and encouraged me: my grandparents, Harold and Mildred Trent, who encouraged my creativity; Matt Washburn, an awesome writer and encourager; Chrissy Hadley, my number-one fan; Juliette Cutts and Ann Liotta, true friends who have always read what I’ve written with joy; Michael Mueller, the most loyal friend anyone could ask for. Peggy Hanley, thank you for always being there for Scott and now for me. Thank you to my other writer friends who have patiently waded through hundreds of pages and given helpful critiques: Penny Austen, John Oglesby, and Kelly Watkins. Thank you to Jennifer Harrington for always listening. I love you all.

—D. V.