34. Excitement breeds excitement

Everything vibrates.

This is a simplified description of the quantum field theory, which basically states, “Everything in the universe is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies.” This includes you.

We all vibrate at different frequencies or volumes, from 1 (low energy) to 10 (high energy). Some even go to 11. That idea alone should stir up the universe inside of you. This information means that it is entirely possible to raise someone else’s energy by using your own. Puppies do it all the time.

I was having coffee with a new client, a lovely and talented guy. He was feverishly chatting about his life and goals. His eyes were lit up—hell, his whole face was lit up. I was becoming excited to be a part of his program. But when we got down to talking about his product and marketing ideas, he suddenly became just another business exec, dull as dishwater. The light left his face. I said, “Wait a minute, where’s the other guy? The exciting one?”

If, in the effort of bringing people to your cause, you feel like you’re selling yourself, please stop. No one wants to read your sales bullet points or hear a canned elevator pitch you handily memorized. And absolutely no one wants to read your newsletter with well-selected stock photos. It’s not about persuasion. You can’t trick someone into loving you. It’s all the energies vibrating inside of you that people are attracted to. Your excitement breeds their excitement. This even translates to the product and the things we make. These become infused with our energy, magic, juju, or mojo, whatever you wish to call it. We tend to choose one item over another because “it speaks to us.”

This vibrational theory works for gaining an audience, showing your work, building teams, and especially teaching. Let everyone know that you are on a quest, and help will come to your aid.

When you share your vibrations with the world, you start a wave, and everyone gets caught up in it. The Beach Boys call this “Good Vibrations.”
