52. Brave and scared shitless

On a hillside, two generals astride their horses are quietly reviewing a battlefield. It is clear to both that they’re outnumbered and outgunned. The first general calls to his aide, “Lieutenant! Get me my red shirt!” After a moment the second general, perplexed, asks, “General, why do you call for your red shirt?” “If I am wounded in battle, my men will not see the blood and they will continue to follow me into the gunfire.” The second general thinks on this for a moment and calls to his aide, “Get me my brown pants!”

As an emotion, bravery never runs solo. It always has a chaser of fear. No firefighter, athlete, daredevil, or speaker at the podium is actually courageous without an equal dose of cowardice charging through them. You can be brave and scared shitless at the same time. As a matter of fact, you have to be. Bravery puts you into the game; fear keeps you from doing something really stupid.

Your fear should never keep you from doing what you need to do. It’s just a reminder that it won’t always be easy. It’s also a reminder that that’s the way life works. With courage comes fear. With change comes reticence. C’est la guerre.

The next time you need to ask for more money, move up in rank, or present your idea to the clan, remember that the fear you are feeling may have a little bravery mixed in it. Leave your brown pants at home.