68. Health

Any classic motorcycle enthusiast knows that if your engine dies, the three things to check are gas, air, and spark. Make sure it has fuel; check whether the air intake is clogged; and pull the spark plug to see if it’s clean, not sooty or corroded. This same maintenance checklist applies to our bodies. We need to maintain our gas, air, and spark.

To keep your motor turning and maintain the fire necessary to do the work at hand, you need to eat healthy food, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep. Most Americans apply themselves to a fairly unhealthy regimen of work, work, work, and more work, pushing their bodies too hard with little or no maintenance. They become overstuffed, fall apart, and don’t stop until their bodies force them to. Burnout is not only real, but epidemic.

Watch your intake. It is too easy these days to binge on crap food and forgo exercise. The human body was not designed to run on pizza and beer (I know. I’ve tried.). Here’s a hint: If most of the food you eat is white—you’re headed for the pits.*

Learn how to breathe. One of the best side effects of taking a class in yoga or meditation is the reminder of how to breathe. I find myself going through a busy day stealing only tiny sips of air, forgetting how replenishing it is to fill my lungs and fully expand my chest.

The spark is just what it sounds like: We need massive servings of magic, play, and excitement in our lives.

Junk food, no cardio, and a stale sex life make Jack a dull boy.


*Pro tip: Go gluten free.