Whether you like it or not, you’re a teacher.
You teach in the work you choose to put out into the world, as well as in your carriage and demeanor. Your lessons are present in how you treat others and how you treat yourself—both the good and the bad.
The best example of this is the way children learn from their parents. They will learn your walk and your weaknesses as much as what you’d like them to learn. “Do as I say, not as I do” doesn’t work. Besides sending mixed messages, it instills distrust and lack of conviction. You can’t expect greatness from others when all you express is your confusion and pain.
The good news about your new role as a guide is the positive effect you can have on the world around you. The world needs more teachers to share the wealth of their compassion and empathy, their excitement and enthusiasm. Accepting your role as teacher instantly makes you a better person.
Lead by example, see yourself reflected in others, and be responsible for your actions and your legacy.