Sumera R. Ahmad, MD • Scott E. Kopec, MD
• Bronchiectasis is an irreversible dilatation of ≥1 airways accompanied by recurrent transmural bronchial infection/inflammation and chronic mucopurulent sputum production.
• Generally classified into cystic fibrosis (CF) and noncystic fibrosis (non-CF) bronchiectasis
• Predominant age: most commonly presents in 6th decade of life
• Predominant sex: female > male (1)
Incidence has decreased in the United States for two reasons:
• Widespread childhood vaccination against pertussis
• Effective treatment of childhood respiratory infections with antibiotics
• In the United States, prevalence estimated to be 52.3/100,000.
• Prevalence increased substantially with age from 4.2/100,000 persons aged 18 to 34 years to 271.8/100,000 among those aged 75 years and older (1).
• CF bronchiectasis: bronchiectasis due to CF
• Non-CF bronchiectasis
– Most cases are idiopathic.
– Most commonly associated with non-CF bronchiectasis is childhood infection.
• Vicious circle hypothesis: Transmural infection, generally by bacterial organisms, causes inflammation and obstruction of airways. Damaged airways and dysfunctional cilia foster bacterial colonization, which leads to further inflammation and obstruction.
• Nontuberculous mycobacterial infection is both a cause and a complication of non-CF bronchiectasis.
• Severe respiratory infection in childhood (measles, adenovirus, influenza, pertussis, or bronchiolitis)
• Systemic diseases (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease)
• Chronic rhinosinusitis
• Recurrent pneumonia
• Aspirated foreign body
• Immunodeficiency
• Congenital abnormalities
• Routine immunizations against pertussis, measles, Haemophilus influenza type B, influenza, and pneumococcal pneumonia
• Genetic counseling if congenital condition is etiology
• Smoking cessation
• Mucociliary clearance defects
– Primary ciliary dyskinesia
– Young syndrome (secondary ciliary dyskinesia)
– Kartagener syndrome
• Other congenital conditions
– α1-Antitrypsin deficiency
– Marfan syndrome
– Cartilage deficiency (Williams-Campbell syndrome)
• Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
• Pulmonary fibrosis, causing traction bronchiectasis
• Postinfectious conditions
– Bacteria (Haemophilus influenzae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa)
– Mycobacterial infections (tuberculosis [TB] and Mycobacterium avium complex [MAC])
– Whooping cough
– Aspergillus species
– Viral (HIV, adenovirus, measles, influenza virus)
• Immunodeficient conditions
– Primary: hypogammaglobulinemia
– Secondary: allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA), posttransplantation
– Sequelae of toxic inhalation or aspiration (e.g., chlorine, luminal foreign body)
• Rheumatic/chronic inflammatory conditions
– Rheumatoid arthritis
– Sjögren syndrome
– Systemic lupus erythematosus
– Inflammatory bowel disease
• Miscellaneous
– Yellow nail syndrome
• Typical symptoms include chronic productive cough, wheezing, and dyspnea.
• Symptoms are often accompanied by repeated respiratory infections.
• Once diagnosed, investigate etiology.
• Any predisposing factors (congenital, infectious, and/or exposure-related)
• Immunization history
Symptoms are commonly present for many years and include the following:
• Chronic cough (90%)
• Sputum: may be copious and purulent (90%)
• Rhinosinusitis (60–70%)
• Fatigue: may be a dominant symptom (70%)
• Dyspnea (75%)
• Chest pain: may be pleuritic (20–30%)
• Hemoptysis (20–30%)
• Wheezing (20%)
• Bibasilar crackles (60%)
• Rhonchi (44%)
• Digital clubbing (3%)
• CF
• Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
• Asthma
• Chronic bronchitis
• Pulmonary TB
• Spirometry
– Moderate airflow obstruction and hyperresponsive airways
– Forced expiratory volume in the 1st second of expiration (FEV1): <80% predicted and FEV1/FVC <0.7
– Special tests
– Ciliary biopsy by electron microscopy
• Sputum culture
– H. influenzae, nontypeable form (42%)
– P. aeruginosa (18%)
– Cultures may also be positive for Streptococcus pneumoniae, Moraxella catarrhalis, MAC, and Aspergillus.
– Screen for TB and non-TB in selected individuals.
– Of all isolates, 30–40% will show no growth.
• Special tests
– Sweat test for CF
– Purified protein derivative (PPD) test for TB
– Skin test for Aspergillus
– Serum immunoglobulins to test for humoral immunodeficiency
– Protein electrophoresis to test for α1-antitrypsin deficiency
– Barium swallow to look for abnormalities of deglutition, achalasia, esophageal hypomotility
– pH probe to characterize reflux
– Screening tests for rheumatologic diseases
• Chest radiograph
– Nonspecific; increased lung markings or may appear normal
• Chest computed tomography (CT)
– Noncontrast high-resolution chest CT is the most important diagnostic tool.
– Bronchi are dilated and do not taper, resulting in “tram track sign”; parallel opacities seen on scan
– Varicose constrictions and balloon cysts may be seen.
– For focal bronchiectasis, rule out endobronchial obstruction.
– For exclusively upper lobe bronchiectasis, consider CF and ABPA.
Diagnostic Procedures/Other
• Bronchoscopy may be used to obtain cultures and evacuate sputum.
• Bronchoscopy for hemoptysis
• Bronchoscopy may be useful to rule out airway-obstructing lesions with focal bronchiectasis.
Test Interpretation
Bronchoscopy findings include the following:
• Dilatation of airways and purulent secretions
• Thickened bronchial walls with necrosis of bronchial mucosa
• Peribronchial scarring
• Treat underlying conditions.
• Recognize an acute exacerbation with 4 out of 9 criteria.
– Change in sputum production
– Increased dyspnea
– Increased cough
– Fever
– Increased wheezing
– Malaise, fatigue, lethargy
– Reduced pulmonary function
– Radiographic changes
– Changes in chest sounds
• Non-CF bronchiectasis: Determine cause of exacerbations; promote good bronchopulmonary hygiene via daily airway clearance.
• Consider surgical resection of damaged lung for focal disease that is refractory to medical management.
• Medical management: Reduce morbidity by controlling symptoms and preventing disease progression.
• Patients with non-CF bronchiectasis may not respond to CF treatment regimens in the same way as patients with CF do.
• Insufficient evidence exists to support efficacy of short-course antibiotics in adults and children with bronchiectasis (2).
• Frequent exacerbations may be treated with prolonged and aerosolized antibiotics (3,4).
• Role of mucolytics, anti-inflammatory agents, and bronchodilators is still unclear.
First Line
• Antibiotics
– Potentially useful in acute exacerbations
– Chronic therapy decreases sputum production, number of exacerbations, and hospitalizations, but there is a risk of emergence of resistance to antibiotics (5,6).
– Use of inhaled antibiotics can be considered for selected individuals with gram-negative organisms. Caution needs to be taken with airway and systemic adverse effects noted with inhaled tobramycin and aztreonam (4).
– Patients may require twice the usual dose and longer treatment for 14 days (10 to 21 days) for an acute exacerbation.
– Sputum culture and sensitivity should direct therapy; antibiotic selection is complicated by a wide range of pathogens and resistant organisms.
– Should be administered IV in cases of severe infection (4)
Augmentin: 500 mg PO q8–12h. Pediatric: base dosing on amoxicillin content
Trimethoprim (TMP)/sulfamethoxazole (SMX): 160 mg TMP/800 mg SMX PO q12h. Pediatric: ≥2 months, 8 mg/kg TMP and 40 mg/kg SMX PO/24 hours, administered in two divided doses q12h
Doxycycline and cefaclor given PO are also effective.
Nebulized aminoglycosides (tobramycin): 300 mg by aerosol BID
Ciprofloxacin: 750 mg PO q12h for adults for susceptible strain of Pseudomonas
Macrolides: appear to have immunomodulatory benefits
• Chronic use of azithromycin as an oral macrolide for 6 to 12 months in non-CF bronchiectasis has been shown to reduce exacerbations. Needs caution with respect to cardiovascular deaths, where it is a QTc-prolonging medication.
• All patients considered for chronic therapy with azithromycin should be screened for non-TB mycobacterium infection prior (4).
• Bronchodilators
– Chronic use of β2-agonists (e.g., albuterol) reverses airflow obstruction (2).
• Inhaled corticosteroids
– Inhaled corticosteroids may improve lung function, but the effect is small (6).
Fluticasone propionate: 110 to 220 μg inhaled BID
– Use of combination of long-acting bronchodilator with inhaled corticosteroid may reduce dyspnea, wheeze, and cough (6).
Budesonide 160 μg/formoterol 4.5 μg 2 puffs inhaled BID
Second Line
Other broad-spectrum antimicrobials, including those with antipseudomonal coverage
Sputum clearance techniques, including chest physiotherapy (percussion and postural drainage) and pulmonary rehabilitation (improves exercise tolerance)
• Surgery if area of bronchiectasis is localized and symptoms remain intolerable despite medical therapy or if disease is life-threatening (3)
• Surgery effectively improves symptoms in 80% of these cases.
Bronchiectasis can present as life-threatening massive hemoptysis. In this situation, in addition to airway protection and resuscitation, bronchial artery embolization or surgical intervention is necessary to control bleeding (2).
Long-term outpatient treatment recommendations for bronchiectasis in children and adults (3):
• Children and adults with CF and non–CF-related bronchiectasis should be treated by comprehensive interdisciplinary chronic disease management programs.
• In children, aim to achieve normal growth and development.
• Patients with primary and secondary immune deficiencies should be under joint care with a clinical immunologist.
• Patient with CF should be referred to a CF center.
• Patient should be informed of the various techniques for airway clearance.
• Nebulized saline or hypertonic saline (7% saline) use prior to airway clearance techniques can help augment sputum production (3)[B].
• Whereas nebulized dornase and high dose anti- inflammatory agents such as ibuprofen have some benefit in CF-related bronchiectasis, there is no role of such agents in non–CF-related bronchiectasis. In fact, nebulized dornase in adults can be harmful with more frequent exacerbations and decline in lung function.
• Pulmonary rehabilitation should be offered to patients with symptoms of breathlessness affecting activities of daily living (3)[B].
• In situation of an acute exacerbation, use and modify antibiotics as per sputum microbiology
• Consider suitability of long-term antibiotics for patients with recurrent exacerbations.
• Noninvasive ventilation can improve quality of life in patients with chronic respiratory failure and can reduce hospitalizations.
• Consider lung transplant evaluation in patients with declining respiratory status and FEV1<30%. However, since non-CF bronchiectasis has significantly lower mortality hazard compared to CF-related bronchiectasis, separate referral and listing criteria should be considered (7).
Regular exercise is recommended.
Patient Monitoring
• Serial spirometry at least annually (3)
• Chest CTs to monitor progression of disease may be indicated with some conditions such as bronchiectasis with MAC infections.
• Routine microbiologic sputum analysis
• Mortality rate (death due directly to bronchiectasis) is 10.6–29.7% (7).
• Pseudomonas infection, low body mass index, and advanced age are associated with poorer prognosis (5).
• Hemoptysis
• Recurrent pulmonary infections
• Pulmonary hypertension
• Cor pulmonale
• Lung abscess
1. Weycker D, Edelsberg J, Oster G, et al. Prevalence and economic burden of bronchiectasis. Clin Pulm Med. 2005;12(4):205–209.
2. Wurzel D, Marchant JM, Yerkovich ST, et al. Short courses of antibiotics for children and adults with bronchiectasis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011;(6):CD008695.
3. Pasteur MC, Bilton D, Hill AT. British Thoracic Society guideline for non-CF bronchiectasis. Thorax. 2010;65(Suppl 1):i1–i58.
4. O’Donnell AE. Bronchiectasis: which antibiotics to use and when. Curr Opin Pulm Med. 2015;21(3):272–277.
5. Hnin K, Nguyen C, Carson KV, et al. Prolonged antibiotics for non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis in children and adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015;(8):CD001392.
6. Welsh EJ, Evans DJ, Fowler SJ, et al. Interventions for bronchiectasis: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015;(7):CD010337.
7. Hayes D Jr, Kopp BT, Tobias JD, et al. Survival in patients with advanced non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis versus cystic fibrosis on the waitlist for lung transplantation. Lung. 2015;193(6):933–938.
• J47.9 Bronchiectasis, uncomplicated
• J47.1 Bronchiectasis with (acute) exacerbation
• J47.0 Bronchiectasis with acute lower respiratory infection
• Symptoms of bronchiectasis include chronic productive cough, wheezing, and dyspnea often accompanied by repeated respiratory infections.
• A chest x-ray has poor sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis; a noncontrast high-resolution chest CT is the most important diagnostic tool.
• Current practice guidelines recommend treating acute exacerbations with a 14-day course of antibiotics. Frequent exacerbations may be treated with prolonged and aerosolized antibiotics.