1. The story of Faith Westcott is taken from the parable in Matthew 13 where a farmer sows seed that falls on rocky soil and when the sun comes up, the new plant gets scorched and it withers because it had no root. What were the things that happened to Faith that caused her to get scorched? Can you understand how things like that could cause someone with shallow faith to turn away from God? Why? Describe this type of shallow faith.

2. Have you ever suffered a tragedy or tragedies in your life that made you question God’s love or even His existence? Describe what happened.

3. What was the result in Faith’s life when she tried to take matters into her own hands? What was the effect on her life? On her sisters? On her father? On Lucas? Did things get better for Faith or worse? Describe.

4. What happened that finally brought Faith to an understanding that God still loved her and longed for her to return to Him?

5. Can you list any good things that came as a result of the tragedies in Faith’s life? How about in your own experience with tragedy?

6. What did Dajon struggle with the most in his walk with God? What did he hope to accomplish in the navy?

7. Is it easier for us to do good works to make ourselves worthy of heaven or to accept God’s free gift of grace? Have you struggled with your own battle between works and faith? If so, describe what you have learned. What is the difference between faith and works, and how are they related?

8. What made Dajon realize that no amount of good deeds could make up for his sins? What conclusion did he come to about good deeds as they relate to following the Lord?

9. What was Reginald Borland’s goal in the story? Have you ever been jealous of someone else’s success? Even a friend? What happened that helped Reggie to see himself for who he truly was?

10. Although she was a godly woman, what was Molly’s biggest fear? What helped her to get past that fear?

11. At the beginning of the story Lucas is an atheist. Do you remember why? What happened to convince him there is a loving God? Have you ever seen a miracle? Do you believe God still uses miracles as evidence of His Word to save the lost?

12. Of the three sisters, who could you most relate to and why?