Dignity does not consist in possessing honors, but in deserving them.


My judgments prevent me from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.

The most frequently quoted prayer in the Western world includes these words: “…thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.” Ego is determined that your conceptions of heaven and earth be separate. For ego, having heaven on earth means being the richest and most famous person in this kingdom. For your sacred self, “heaven on earth” means there are no such distinctions.

Earth, ego insists, is where you should be primarily concerned about appearances and acquisitions. The major focus of your life here, according to ego, has to do with appearances, and your physical appearance takes precedence over inner feelings. The pursuit of your career, the quality and amount of your possessions and the trappings of success are what ego wants you to direct your energy toward. These are absolutely more important to ego than the inner life.

But we all have an awareness of the emptiness and futility of ego’s way. You are reading this book partly because you know that in order to have a deeper, richer experience of life you need to know how to make a shift away from ego to the inner self that the loving presence offers.


To understand the way the ego works, you must realize that this false vision of yourself believes that earth is home. If you identify yourself as no more than an earthling, as the ego wants you to, then your happiness and fulfillment will be in the form of the physical things in the manifest world.

But there is an aspect of you that knows that these things do not provide the spiritual fulfillment that is the promise of the sacred quest. Planet Earth is not your only home. What it offers you is only partially satisfactory to the invisible you within the form of your body. That inner aspect knows that this life on earth is not its ultimate destiny.

However, most of us have been convinced by the sturdy and determined ego that appearances are what life is about, and that rewards are a result of appearances. The inner self knows that this is all very fleeting because the rewards you receive for youthfulness and physical strength, for example, will diminish as those physical qualities deteriorate.

The nonphysical you is eternally observing the physical transformation of your body. This realm of the higher self is dominated by an inner self that is aware of the realities of earth and of heaven. It is immune to the pleas of the ego to focus all of its energy on the earth plane.

Here is how Nisargadatta Maharaj describes it: “The world is the abode of desires and fears. You cannot find peace in it. For peace you must go beyond the world.” And this is what heaven on earth is truly about—an experience of inner peace without the idolatry of possessions and appearances.

The insightful response to the prayer “…thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven” is found in the awareness that heaven is not of this world. It is in the world of God, the realm where you have destroyed all that you have amassed and where you find the peace that Sri Nisargadatta refers to.

Your higher self is beyond this world of life and death where appearances are touted as all important. Consider the following two ways that those appearances have triumphed over the inner self.

Forgive me my nonsense

as I forgive the nonsense of those

who think they talk sense.

The emphasis on measuring one’s life based on external acquisitions or accomplishments is nothing more than nonsense. This emphasis on appearance shows up in your life in many ways.


The pursuit of appearances is one of the most common ways that your ego overtakes your daily existence. In order to transcend these inclinations away from inner substance, you must be able to identify these tendencies as they occur. Here are a few of the most frequent examples of this kind of thinking and behavior.


The process of transcending excessive concern with external appearance and shifting to an emphasis on inner substance comes with understanding why your ego controls your life. Below are some of the more common reasons this occurs.


To know what is truly meant by the words “earth as it is in heaven,” you must go beyond the realm of this world. C. S. Lewis wrote these profound words, which I find useful in the contemplation of the nonphysical realm: “If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.”

Nothing in the manifest world will satisfy the desire to know the way of your sacred self. The way to that world where judgment is impossible, possessions are not even a consideration and bliss is perpetual is not along the path of ego. That path leads away from the experience of earth as it is in heaven.