Aubrey had spent the rest of the day with the crew, heading to the beach and splashing around in the waves. Ky was glowing from her potentially more than one-night stand, and Sky and Mia were all sweet kisses and soft whispers with each other, which left Aubrey to her thoughts.
The thoughts that continued to circulate around one individual: Selina Beckett.
She sat at the breakfast nook of their rental, tapping her fingers along the flecked granite surface. Ky stood at the skillet, prepping a late lunch or early dinner for them, though she trusted Ky the least in the kitchen out of all of them. Luckily, burgers were hard to fuck up—though she’d seen Ky burn pasta before, so her hopes weren’t the highest. Mia was taking a shower while Sky lounged on one of the powder-blue couches lining the living room.
She hadn’t planned on slipping into feels territory like she did back at the lake. Truth be told, she didn’t do that with anyone, not even her closest. Only Ky knew details because she’d been there through all the tough stuff, but somehow the swaying limbs of the weeping willows, the gentle freshwater breezes, and Selina’s calming, quieting presence coaxed the words out of her.
On top of that, she hadn’t expected the kiss—or how much the kiss would dominate her mind. Aubs had experienced a thousand and one of them over her lifetime, and honestly, the past few years they all melded together, none sticking out. However, Selina’s kiss wasn’t just a jolt to her nether regions, kickstarting her core to life. Sure, she could’ve wrung out her underwear after kissing that woman once, but goddamn, the whole thing was so much more.
Locking lips with Selina Beckett was like the first time she’d taken a kickboxing class—an exhilarating thrill of an epiphany that felt right when nothing else did. Kisses like that—connections like theirs—didn’t exist in real life. At least, that’s what she’d believed.
“Did someone roofie you, Aubs?” Sky called over from the couch, looking up from the glob monster of a fantasy novel she was reading. “I’m pretty sure this is the quietest I’ve heard you in years.”
Ky arched a brow. “Noticed you weren’t here when I came back. What did you get up to this morning?”
“Grabbed breakfast so I didn’t starve, since all of my friends were getting lucky instead of me,” Aubrey said, rolling her eyes. She hoped that was enough to keep them from noticing the flush creeping up her skin, but with Ky’s eerie powers of observation, you never knew.
“I’d offer to be your wingwoman, but Mia and I planned tonight as date night,” Sky said, resting her book on her thighs. “We could always go out tomorrow instead? Only a few nights left on vacation, and I don’t want you feeling lonesome.”
“Nah, I do better solo anyway,” Aubrey said, waving a hand. Truth be told, her chest squeezed tight when she thought about changes that had happened on their trip. Watching Sky and Mia together disrupted the norm and sent her a bit off-kilter, as did the concerns over Mom. Those worries had simmered on the back burner through this entire trip.
“So, you don’t mind if I go out with Kim again?” Ky asked, her question tentative. “I feel like we’ve barely spent any time together this vacation.” Behind those words brewed her best friend’s worries that would only get extinguished once hers were—if she found out her mother didn’t have cancer again.
“As if we don’t go out together most weekends.” Aubrey attempted a reassuring grin. She’d been so focused on hunting for scraps of time with Selina and ignoring the health issues her mom was going through. Spending time with Kyle brought a lot of painful memories to the forefront, just because her best friend had been one of the few there with her through the whole battle the first time. “Ky, enjoy yourself. You’ve found a gorgeous woman to spend some time with. Out of everyone, I’d never fault you for that.”
“Listen to her,” Sky called out from the couch. “How many times has Aubs ditched us to go chase some tail?”
Aubrey jerked a thumb at Sky. “What she said.”
Ky gave her a pointed look because the woman was way too discerning. She’d have questions and want to know specifics—like what was going on between her and Selina. Truth be told, Aubrey didn’t have the slightest answer.
All she knew was that she wanted to see her again.
Aubs pulled out her phone and shot off a text. Want to hang tonight? She left her phone out on the counter, impatient for a response already, even though she’d just sent the text.
Kyle chewed on her lip as she darted around the kitchen, grabbing the hamburger buns, cheddar, ketchup, and mustard they’d picked up from the nearby grocery store. A second later, she let out a low curse and raced over to the skillet to flip over the burgers that had begun to waft a charred scent through the kitchen.
Aubrey’s phone buzzed. Only if we’re clear this isn’t a booty call.
As much as her libido thrummed at the idea of picking up where she’d left off with Selina, she wanted the escape offered. When she was around the woman, Aubrey’s mind quieted, which was a rare and uncommon feat.
I’ll keep my hands to myself. Scout’s honor.
Her phone buzzed back moments later. Why do I get the feeling you were never a Scout?
Aubrey couldn’t help the grin that rose to her lips. Fuck, this woman turned her upside down.
“Dinner’s… ready?” Ky said with a wince, plating out charcoal-dark burgers that the melted cheese desperately tried to slide off of. Aubs tried to cover her snort as Sky hopped up from her seat to join them.
“Let’s eat.”

Everyone had ventured out their separate ways once night arrived. Sky and Mia headed to some swanky seafood restaurant, while Kyle and her date were going to a different club to dance this time. As for Aubrey, she hadn’t made any plans beyond swinging next door to bother her temporary neighbor for the five thousandth time.
The house was quiet since everyone had already left, and she took a moment to readjust her sporty red dress that came to mid-thigh. She swore her allegiance to several sportswear brands, Athleta being one of the tops, and most of her clothes, even items beyond her athleticwear, came from there. She’d taken the time to apply some makeup—just a streak of eyeliner and mascara along with some gloss.
This wasn’t a date. Not really. Fuck, Aubrey didn’t even know what was going on between them, but she found herself wanting to look eye-catching tonight. She’d do anything to draw Selina’s gaze again, even if she had to keep her hands to herself.
She grabbed her purse and slung it around her shoulder. Her keys jangled in hand as she headed for the front door. The moment she stepped outside, the night-sweetened salt breeze drifted her way, far cooler than it had been during the day. She hopped down the steps two at a time until she reached the pavement with a clap of her flats and strode in the direction of the rental next door. When she stopped in front of the stairs, she caught sight of Selina chilling on one of the wicker chairs, legs crossed.
Even in the yellow-green glow of the outdoor light, Selina looked next level gorgeous. Her full lips were glossy, and the mere sight had Aubrey squeezing her legs tight at the memory of how good they’d felt against hers. Selina wore a short, pleated skirt that came above mid-thigh and a gray tee that fit her far too well. Her chunky silver jewelry caught the moonlight.
“If I whistle, are you going to send me away?” Aubrey teased as she sauntered up the steps.
“The temptation’s high.” Selina’s brow crooked, every motion she made so delicate and controlled. With how out of control Aubrey felt most of the time, she found something about the woman’s precision undeniably attractive.
“Question of the night, though—where do you want to go? We’ve got our pick of bars, restaurants, or none of that. I’ll let you decide, Miss Fancy Bar Owner.” Honestly, she was hoping Selina had a clue what to do. When she’d messaged her, she hadn’t made any plans, and the trend continued right up through her walk over. “Just letting you know though, I’ve already eaten. Kind of.”
At least, if the charred remains of burgers counted as a meal.
Selina’s lips quirked. “Would you hate me if we spent some time by the boardwalk and the beach rather than cramming into a building? The ocean’s too pretty at night to pass up.”
Aubrey couldn’t help but recall their walk on the first night here, her heart thudding hard. Out at a loud bar or restaurant, she could easily drown out the sheer need percolating through her veins after that kiss, but alone with Selina? That was like running straight into a burning building.
“Sounds good to me,” Aubrey’s mouth answered for her before her brain could make a better decision. Trying to keep her hands off of Selina tonight would be an agony, especially with the way her skirt slid up her desert-colored thighs. Fuck, restraint would be agonizing.
Selina pushed up from her seat and strode on past her, those mesmerizing hips swaying with each movement. This close, Aubrey caught her scent, all orange blossom and amber. The fragrance ignited her. God, everything about this woman was delicious, and Aubrey wanted to taste her more than ever. Truth be told, she wanted to splay Selina out on this deck, hike up that flimsy skirt, and fuck her with her mouth until her screams could be heard down the street.
Right. Head out of the gutter.
Aubrey shook her head and followed Selina down the creaking steps as they headed along the sidewalk toward the bustle of the boardwalk. The whole place was lit up neon in the evening, big beams from the spotlights illuminating everything.
“What were your other friends doing tonight?” Aubrey asked. Somehow, they’d managed to spend most days and nights together on this vacation, and her friends had picked up on the fact for sure, even if none of them said much outright. Her mind refused to chew on the implications of spending so much time with Selina when the most Aubrey ever offered someone else was a single night.
“Cass and the others wanted another bar night, and you know how much I love those,” Selina said with a shrug. “My illustrious plans had been to spend the night with a book until you texted.”
Aubrey nudged her in the side with her hip, keeping pace with her. “What, with the whole buffet Rehoboth has to offer?”
“I’m willing to go on dates, but I’ve owned Renegades for too long to want to pick up women at a bar. I’ve seen that scenario over and over again, and after several of my own failed attempts, I got myself out of the game. Besides, it’s not a great business practice to do that at my own joint.”
“Is that how you met your ex from earlier?” Aubrey asked, curiosity overtaking her. Standing this close to Selina tortured her. She was dying to reach over and slide her arm around her shoulders.
“Bingo,” Selina said, a bitterness ringing in her tone. “And she wasn’t the only one. Every time I’ve tried that route, it always ends up being a flash flood that leaves me wrecked.”
As they neared the boardwalk, the sounds from the crowds grew louder, the lights flashing down on them. Normally, Aubrey reveled in the chaos, but she’d found herself intrigued by the contrast Selina offered. She was someone who walked in peace and solitude amid lonely lakes and empty night-darkened beaches.
“So, are we bypassing this scene and heading straight for the beach?” Aubs asked, curiosity getting the better of her. She hated making plans, even though she had a thousand and one opinions. Yet Selina seemed to always have an idea tucked into her back pocket, and so far, they’d all been new experiences for Aubrey, a contrast from the rinse and repeat of different girls at different bars every week.
“One stop first,” she said, a glimmer of amusement in her gaze. Those dark coffee eyes were gorgeous, lined in kohl and so subtly expressive Aubrey found herself sneaking more and more glimpses.
Up ahead of them in bright, blinking pink neon lights was the candy store, and Selina slowed her footsteps. Aubrey wanted something sweet, but she craved it more from the woman swinging those pendulum hips in front of her.
“You want us to get sugar highs before we take to the beach?” Aubs asked, unable to keep the skepticism from her voice.
“I haven’t picked up any saltwater taffy yet, and you look like you need something more than whatever you ate for dinner. I thought I caught smoke coming from your kitchen,” Selina commented as she walked through the doors.
The bright lights barraged them at once, along with a medley of sugary scents.
“Saltwater taffy’s the worst though—there are far better things out there,” Aubrey commented as Selina made a beeline for the towers of pastel and neon-wrapped taffy.
The woman turned around to shoot her daggers. “You take that back, Aubrey Moore.”
Aubrey rolled her eyes, even though a grin snuck onto her face. “Never.” She headed over to the section with chocolate and grabbed a few chocolate peanut butter cups, bringing them over to the register. Selina slipped by her side a moment later with a plethora of multi-colored taffy in a bag.
“I’ve got hers too,” Aubrey said as she jerked a thumb to Selina. To her surprise, Selina didn’t argue. The woman at the register nodded, ringing them up quick, and they were off on their way again, heading back out into the velvety darkness.
Aubs blinked a couple of times when they exited because the lights inside the shop were so bright, but after a few paces, they made it off the boardwalk and onto the beach. The soothing salt breezes wrapped around her, sending a shiver down her spine. She’d tucked her bag of peanut butter cups in her purse, saving them for later. Selina, on the other hand, had already unwrapped one of the taffies from her crinkly bag. Aubs couldn’t help but watch as the woman lifted it to her lips and closed her eyes to savor the taste.
Great, she’d reached the point of sexual frustration that she was jealous of taffy.
“What’s the allure of the beach for you if you don’t like the water?” Aubrey asked, still curious. Every time she got to know more about Selina, she found herself surprised by what she learned.
“Have you seen this place?” Selina swept an arm out. “Just because I’m terrified of getting dragged away by the riptide doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy how intense and powerful all of this is. When it’s quiet on the beach, you can appreciate the roar of the surf and the way the moonlight glitters on the waves. The landscape is so different from the loud plastic pails, warring umbrellas, and tons of sunbathing bodies that comes with the beach during the day.”
Selina didn’t talk much, but when she did, she was mesmerizing. Aubrey balled one hand into a fist at her side, her nails biting into her palm in an effort to not reach out. She’d agreed to be good. She could be good. Until they’d kissed earlier, she’d been able to dance around the idea of anything physical, but they’d cracked open that shaken soda bottle, and now that need was a steady tap, tap, tap through her veins.
Selina glanced over at the fist she’d made. “Going to lob a punch at someone?”
“Oh, I always walk like this,” Aubs said, attempting to be casual, as if she wasn’t going crazy in Lustville over here.
Selina crooked a brow. “I’ve got a solution. Want to try some taffy? I bet I can change your mind.”
Aubrey snorted. “You’re going to have to try hard. I’ve tasted the stuff for years and never once has it had any allure.”
Selina finished the piece she chewed on and turned to face her. Before Aubs could click two and two together, Selina leaned in and pressed her lips to Aubrey’s. Her fingers swiped over Aubrey’s balled fist, loosening it as she kissed her. Once Aubs recovered from the surprise, she sank into the kiss. Selina’s warm tongue swept into her mouth, bringing with it the sweet tang of the saltwater taffy.
Aubrey nearly let out a moan. She’d been holding back from the moment she saw Selina tonight, but then the woman made the first move. The clever, beguiling, and stunning minx. She rested her palms on Selina’s hips, gripping them tight as she kissed her with all of her pent-up lust and longing. Heat flushed through her at the feel of Selina’s body pressed against hers, and Aubrey couldn’t help but take the lead, gliding her tongue along Selina’s as she deepened the kiss.
A hesitant moan escaped Selina’s lips, and Aubrey swallowed it up, desperate for anything this woman might give her. She’d never met anyone more challenging in her life, and as they stood before the boom and crash of the ocean before them, she understood a little more of how rare that was. How Selina transported her to this calm, immense place at once, no matter where they were. Her pussy throbbed, and her nipples ached, brushing against the fabric of her dress as she dragged Selina’s body flush to hers.
In her eagerness, she stepped on a slope in the sand, sending them both off-kilter. Aubrey’s reflexes saved the day as she grabbed Selina tight and they tumbled to the sand. Selina’s back hit the ground, and Aubrey crouched over her, their breaths heaving. Her thighs surrounded Selina on either side, the brush of skin to skin nearly making her delirious. For a moment, she stared into Selina’s eyes, dark and enticing like the blackened waters in the distance.
Selina’s tongue glided along her lower lip. “Just kissing.” The words were firm, even though her eyes flared like unspent coals.
“That I can handle, sweetheart,” Aubrey responded, her voice husky with desire.
Her legs splayed around Selina’s, their bodies an inch from crushing together. She spread her palms in the still-warm sand on either side of Selina, and she couldn’t help the thrill that rushed along her spine. The moonlight gleamed in Selina’s eyes and highlighted the sharp jut of her chin and those knife-edge cheekbones. The woman was so beautiful it made Aubrey’s head spin at the feeling of their bare legs touching where Selina’s skirt was hiked up her smooth thighs.
Her breath puffed against Selina’s, mingling with the sweetness there. Aubrey sank down to capture the woman’s mouth in a kiss again. Her breasts crushed against Selina’s, and between that and the way their bare legs tangled up on this sandy beach, her underwear was soaked. God, this woman turned her on like nothing else. She speared her fingers through Selina’s hair as she memorized her mouth, leaning down on her elbow as they continued to find each other’s lips again and again and again.
In the distance, the boardwalk buzzed with people, but behind them, only the tides stood witness, an undulating crash and roll as they lapped onto the shore. Aubrey mimicked their rhythm, unable to pull herself away from Selina if she wanted to.
The more kisses she coaxed from those lips, the more she never wanted them to end.
If only Aubrey was meant for more than one-night stands and summer flings.