I want to deeply thank my husband, James, who fed, cared for, and generally dealt with the mayhem while I was gone for 3 weeks at a time. I thank him for the years of working together and support for me, for us, and for our family since we’ve started down this road together. I love you, darling.
To my mother, Jami, who listened, read, bounced ideas, provided reiki and financial support at every step along the way, and who devised ways of dealing with an overactive, sleepless, anxious child without support, knowledge, or financial backing. She is the original mapmaker and someone I want to be just like when I grow up.
To our family, particularly Lia (Yiayia) who loved the sounds of her grandchildren, no matter how loud they yelled, and who prayed and played with the children; and to Papou Pete, Dampa, Maria, Haroula, Gran, and Grammy and their awareness of the power of love and genetics.
To my friends who listened, let me cry, and provided sustenance—both physical and emotional: Darla, Laura, and Linda; the Boyce, Johnson, Barker/Bergmann, Crespin, Kendall, and Hall families; Wendy, Elissa, Donna, Lou, Nicki, Christy, Tara, Cari, and Michelle—no matter where I am, there you are.
To the pets who provided therapy and unconditional love beyond what animals are supposed to do: Cody, Nellie, Chrissie, and even Bailey.
To the teachers who taught me about myself and my children, to look for strengths in the most challenging of behaviors and to think about other perspectives: Joyce, Elizabeth, Ginny, Lori, Kim, Amy, Nicki, Jane, Miss Gates, Mrs. Skaggs, and Mr. Kramer.
To our “angels” who loved and helped my children when I was too tired to keep going: Irene, Molly, Emmy, Amberly, Lori, and Zach—I am so grateful.
To Jay and Maureen McGowan for the McGowan Prize, which sent me to Oxford to study autism; and to the wonderful faculties at the College of Coastal Georgia, Bellarmine University, Florida Gulf Coast University, University of South Florida, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, The College of William and Mary, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and the University of New Mexico. You rock!
To Webkinz, for providing entertainment that kept me going. This book would not have been finished if I hadn’t toggled back and forth between Tile Towers and my manuscript.
To the publisher, Joel, and my editors, Jenny and Lacy, for their original idea and wanting to hear from both sides of me—the teacher of teachers and the parent.
To Rachel and Tina and the other mothers of children with autism whose stories, blogs, books, and support I depend on. Your work has led to many, many changes and so much awareness. I have such respect for you and your hard work blazing the trail.
And most importantly, to the biggest part of my heart, my children, whose stories I have shared and whose love I value every day. Mama’s here. Mama’s always here.