A more accurate name on the cover of this book would be ‘team alyce alexandra’, for there are so many people who contributed to making it all that it is. Directly, a tribe of talented individuals have worked so hard; and indirectly, many people have been so accommodating as I put my life on hold, giving everything to these pages. I am so grateful to you all.
My publisher Katrina: a huge thank you for believing in me, for without your spruiking this book would not exist. Thank you for letting me run with my vision and supporting me every step of the way. It has been a humbling experience, and one for which I am eternally grateful.
My editor Rachel: thank you for your brilliant editing, and for knowing exactly the right words to express what I am thinking. You have worked tirelessly and been such a great support – I have so appreciated your warmth, kindness and humour, even when we were both working much later than we should have been!
My designer Emily: I sincerely appreciate your commitment to making this book flawless – you’ve perfectly captured me and my vision and I couldn’t be more thrilled with the outcome. Thank you!
The Penguins: as a writer it doesn’t get any better than having Penguin Random House publish your work, and I sincerely appreciate all those behind the scenes who have made this book possible. Thank you all for believing in me and my work, especially Cate who was the very first person to champion this book.
My mum Janene: throughout this entire process you have quietly supported me in so many ways, from developing recipes, washing dishes and shopping at markets to shovelling straw and curling hair. I don’t think you appreciate just how much of a difference you have made, but it means the world to me.
My dad Alex: you have given me everything I need to live my dreams – most importantly, your steadfast love and support. Thank you for getting behind everything I take on in life, no matter how crazy, and for doing literally anything you can to help.
My sister Ellen: you have backed us every step of the way and provided so much comfort and counsel. Your enthusiasm has been a breath of fresh air and your assistance has been invaluable, for a tripod cannot stand on two legs. Thank you for everything.
My partner Alex: thank you for silently picking up all the pieces after the whirlwind while this book has been my everything. Your love, support and assistance means so much to me … and the chickens and the alpacas!
The AA team Sally, Pauline, John, Ellen and Janene: your passion and enthusiasm for all that we do and the big smiles on your faces each day make work such a joy. You’ve all gone above and beyond during the production of this book, and Loryn and I couldn’t be more appreciative or proud of our team.
My cheerleader Craig: not only have you been our unofficial brand ambassador, but you’ve also been a great support to both the business and me personally. Thank you for lending a hand wherever needed, from washing dishes and packing orders to brainstorming chicken coops.
My recipe testers Pauline, Craig, Tess, Karen, Kaye, Tim and Tash: my secret squirrel army – thank you so much for generously offering your time and for all your lovely feedback.
My customers: throughout my cookbook journey there have been so many amazing customers who have shown such excitement and commitment towards my brand, and I cannot thank you all enough for the support. I am truly humbled, for without all you wonderful people I would never have had the privilege of writing my seventh book.
My friends: thank you all for your endless encouragement, advice and enthusiasm, and so many laughs along the way. While I have not had enough time to spend with you during this project, you all mean the world to me. A special shout out to Poppy for her superb modelling skills, and for always saying exactly what I need to hear.
To so many others: more than I can mention here, but thank you to Con for being our location shoot assistant, Khaye for all the help and interest in the kitchen, Hello Coffee Apollo Bay for the coconut chips, Trish for looking after all my babies, and to all those real food crusaders who inspire me. Of course, I can’t forget about all the animals that have offered me such love and joy – the dogs Spencer, Chelsea and Duke, the alpacas Kath and Kim, and the chickens Bluey, Sasha, Whitey, Mo, Lilo, Marci, Eunice and Pip.
Finally, one person who deserves more praise and acknowledgement than I can find the words to express is Loryn – my sister and the brains and brawn behind the alyce alexandra operation. It is your creative genius that breathes life into my words and recipes, your innovation that inspires me, and your belief in me that propels me forward. I couldn’t have more admiration, respect and love for you – thank you for everything.