Praise for Karen Fox’s previous Magical Love romance, One Fine Fae...
“Finally, a heroine who’s a real woman. Finally, a hero who knows what a rare find she is. Finally, a book for us all to adore. Thank you, Karen Fox, for creating the most lovable hero romance has seen in a long, long time.”
—Maggie Shayne, author of Eternity
“A fantastical journey into the faerytale realm of myth, magic, and happily-ever-after... Karen Fox’s fantasy romance is sweet and charming, with plenty of Fae magic to burn up the pages.”
—The Romance Journal
“What a fun read! I zipped through One Fine Fae, turning pages as fast as I could...I urge readers of paranormal romance to pick up this book as quickly as they can.”
—Scribesworld. com
“I breezed through this most enjoyable book and am eagerly waiting for more of the same from Karen Fox.”
—Romance and Friends
“Fun and lively.” —Old Book Barn Gazette
“One Fine Fae is an amusing fantasy romance that will enchant subgenre fans... Enjoyable...humorous... Karen Fox writes a novel that is fun to read.”
—Bookbrowser. com
“Highly enjoyable and well written. I could almost believe the magic existed... Here is an author that aims to please.”