Of course you know this is fiction. Everything written of the various city of Cleveland departments is my own creation. Many thanks to the dedicated people who work for Cleveland and cities and towns everywhere, in every department, keeping life as we know it humming along. I know and work with many of you and offer my deepest respect.

Special thanks to my brother, Vinnie, for coaching me through drugs and their effects. Many thanks (and apologies for the typos) to my reading team Matt, Traci, Denny, Kristen and Karen. Thank you to Chris Rhatigan, editor extraordinaire, for battling through commas, em-dashes, and numbers with me. Thank you to the constantly changing Midwest weather for the colorful background. As I sit here, it is August and we are expecting a storm that will change 90 degrees to 66 degrees in minutes. Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain.


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