Angier, Bradford. Feasting Free on Wild Edibles. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1966 and 1969.
Angier, Bradford. Field Guide to Medicinal Plants. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1978.
Bensman, Bobbi. Bouldering. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1999.
Boga, Steven. Orienteering. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1997.
Davenport, Gregory J. Surviving Coastal and Open Water. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2003.
Davenport, Gregory J. Surviving Cold Weather. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2002.
Davenport, Gregory J. Surviving the Desert. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2004.
Davenport, Gregory J. Wilderness Living. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2001.
Davenport, Gregory J. Wilderness Survival. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2006.
Dickert, Wayne and Jon Rounds (ed). Basic Kayaking. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2005.
Elliott, Lang. A Guide to Night Sounds. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2004.
Fergus, Charles. Bears: Wild Guide. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2005.
Fergus, Charles and C. Leonard Fergus. Common Edible & Poisonous Mushrooms of the Northeast. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2003.
Forrest, Louise R. Field Guide to Tracking Animals in Snow. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1988.
Geary, Don. Using a Map & Compass. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1995.
Gray, Ed. Track Pack: Animal Tracks in Full Life Size. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2003.
Grimm, William Carey. The Illustrated Book of Trees. Revised and updated by John T. Kartesz. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1993.
Grimm, William Carey. The Illustrated Book of Wildflowers and Shrubs. Revised by John T. Kartesz. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2002.
Herd, Tim. Discover Nature in the Weather. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2001.
Kugach, Gene. Fishing Basics. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1993.
Kuhne, Cecil. Paddling Basics: Canoeing. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1998.
Kuhne, Cecil. Paddling Basics: Kayaking. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1998.
Lawlor, Elizabeth P. Discover Nature at Sundown. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1995.
Lawlor, Elizabeth P. Discover Nature at the Seashore. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1992.
Lawlor, Elizabeth P. Discover Nature in Water & Wetlands. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2000.
Lawlor, Elizabeth P. Discover Nature in Winter. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1998.
Macfarlan, Allan A. Exploring the Outdoors with Indian Secrets. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1971.
Pearson, Claudia, ed. NOLS Cookery. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2004.
Rinehart, Kurt. Naturalist’s Guide to Observing Nature. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2006.
Rounds, Jon, ed, and Wayne Dickert. Basic Canoeing. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2003.
Schimelpfenig, Tod. NOLS Wilderness Medicine. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1991 and 2002.
Schuh, Dwight. Fundamentals of Bowhunting. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1991.
Searfoss, Glenn. Skulls and Bones. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1995.
Smith, Richard P. Animal Tracks and Signs of North America. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1982.
Tilton, Buck and John Gookin. NOLS Winter Camping. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2005.
Van Holt, Tom. Stargazing. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1999.
Wells, Darran. NOLS Wilderness Navigation. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2005.
Basic Cold Weather Manual (Field Manual 31-70). Department of the Army: Washington, DC, 1968.
First Aid (Field Manual 4-25.11). Department of the Army: Washington, DC, 2004.
Military Mountaineering (Field Manual 3-97.61). Department of the Army: Washington, DC, August 26, 2002.
Survival (Field Manual 21-76). Department of the Army: Washington, DC, 1970. [Editor’s note: Only artwork from this edition of Survival was used here.]
Survival (Field Manual 21-76). Department of the Army: Washington, DC, …. [Between 1986 and 1998]
Survival, Evasion, and Recovery: Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures. U.S. Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force; Air Land Sea Application Center: Washington DC, 1999.
A Pocket Guide to Cold Water Survival. U.S. Dept. of Transportation, U.S. Coast Guard: Washington, DC,1990.
Camper’s First Aid. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District: Louisville, KY, 1988.
Leave No Trace! An Outdoor Ethic. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service: Washington, DC, 1992.