As we close in on the queen, Chesh leaps down from Elle’s arms to sit by the queen’s feet. For a long moment, Chesh licks his paws before addressing the queen.
“Oh, I was so frightened and lost,” says Chesh. “Now I have been found. We should pay these two kind people.”
“Agreed,” says the queen. “And it’s so nice to have you back, Chesh.” She looks to me and Elle. “You have found my cat and may claim your reward. Although you may have noticed I got started a little early.”
Charles’ face turns four shades of pink. “Reward?”
“I should have thought this was clear,” say the queen. “I’m breaking the little curse that hangs over the house of Le Charme. Afterwards, Elle and Alec can be together in any way they see fit.”
In response, Legend tries to break free from his guards. “Impossible! No one can break the curse!”
The queen shoots Legend a sideways glance. “Quiet, you.”
“This simply can not happen,” adds Charles. “Ivy and Alec will be bonded tonight. You are magically contracted to perform the spell that will force them to get married.”
“Time was, I would be.” The queen smiles sweetly, but there’s an edge of evil under her grin. “It’s like this. Years ago, we made a bargain. You said you and your line could ignore love forever. And as long as you did, I would support you in forcing your offspring into loveless marriages.. and give you a comfortable life in the Fairy Lands.”
Now, it’s one thing to suspect your forebear traded your happiness for his own comfort. It’s another to hear that crime confirmed out loud. No wonder Charles agreed to come back and help with the Le Charme Extravaganza and the Glass Slipper Ball.
“That was our bargain. You’re breaking it.”
The queen continues. “Now, I have folks come me all the time, begging for favors. So I leave my crown in an open hiding spot. You see, arrangements made with the desperate are hardly a challenge. A queen wants to face off with someone who has a spine.”
“That’s why you hid the crown,” says Charles.
“Obviously,” says the queen. “When you recovered my crown from the bottom of the Sienne, I thought you were a challenge worth taking. So I agreed to this bargain. And yes, I figured one of your offspring would surely fall in love. Yet hundreds of years passed with nothing but hateful weddings. It’s been rather annoying.” She sighs. “When it came to Legend, I thought I came close.”
My father stops struggling against his guards. “Rae left me because of this damnable curse.”
“No,” counters the queen. “She left because you loved Le Charme more than her. But things have changed. The queen gestures toward Elle. “Imagine my joy when someone else finally uncovered my crown. Only true love would break my arrangement with Charles. Asking Elle and Alec to find Chesh was my way of testing the depth of their feeling.” She looks to me. “Isn’t that right?”
“Yes,” I reply. “We didn’t need to find the cat.” I pull Elle against my side. “We needed to find each other. Fully.”
“That’s right. And so I have broken the agreement, the curse, whatever you want to call it.”
Charles pales. “What about my eternity in the Faerie lands?”
“That will still happen,” replies the queen. “Only that forever will take place in my dungeons.”
“Don’t fret. You’ll have lots of company.” She whistles. “Guards! Take them all to my dungeons!”
One by one, the guards vanish, along with their prisoners. Which makes sense. All the guards are vampires. For shadowcoe, materializing and vanishing is just what they do.
As each so-called enemy blinks out of existence, my heart sinks. “Your Majesty,” I say.
“Yes, Alec?”
“About my parents,” I begin.
“And my stepfamily,” adds Elle.
“As part of your reward, you may decide what to do with them all. Except Charles, of course. He’s mine.”
“Thank you,” say Elle and I together.
The queen scans the clearing and smiles. “Such a nice gathering. We have shifters, animates, dwarves and my favorite Cinderella and prince.”
Chesh’s tail flicks slowly behind him. “We should have a proper party.”
“Yes,” says the queen. “I think we shall.”
The Queen of Hearts snaps her fingers. Yet another spell launches into action. Something tells me this will be the best one of all.