Thanks to all of my wonderful writer friends who ask me how I’m doing and then listen to the answer: Grace Draven, Kelly Robson, Darynda Jones, Megan Hart, Katie Lane, Jennifer Estep, Minerva Spencer, and many others. Special thanks to Grace for the beta read, and Kelly for the daily sunshine and for always knowing which book I’m working on.
Love to Terri Beth Chenault and Rachel Cox, for tea and prosecco.
A grateful shout-out, too, to all the denizens of Jeffe’s Closet for cheering every time I post an excerpt. To them and all the faithful readers of this series, many thanks for your patience during the extended wait.
Thanks to Peter Senftleben for his excellent developmental editing and to Rebecca Cremonese for her stellar production editing skills.
Much appreciation to my Santa Fe critique group for wine and conversation: Edward Khmara, M.T. Reiten, Jim Sorenson, Sage Walker, and Eric Wolf.
I’m giving yet another special prostration of awe and gratitude to Ravven for the absolutely incredible cover. I’ve been looking at it for the best part of a year for inspiration while writing, and I’m still not tired of it.
Many thanks to my family, especially to my mom, who told me she loved Zynda.
Love to David, first, last, and always.