A Note On The Texts

Whenever possible, texts for this series have been based on versions that were published in book form, preferably during Hodgson’s lifetime. The major exceptions to this rule are the stories that appear in volumes edited by Sam Moskowitz. Moskowitz was known to have access to original manuscripts and other source materials. Some stories were published only in serial form, and have been taken from those primary sources.

Over the years, many of Hodgson’s stories have appeared under variant titles, which are noted below. As a rule, the titles used in this series are based on the first book publication of a story, even if the story previously appeared under a different title, in serial form. 

Specific textual sources are noted below. The only changes that have been made to the texts have been to correct obvious typographical errors, and to standardize punctuation and capitalization.  British and archaic spelling has been retained.

The Night Land is based on the 1912 Eveleigh Nash edition.

“The Captain of the Onion Boat” is based on its publication in Men Of Deep Waters (Eveleigh Nash, 1914). It was originally published in Nash’s Magazine No. 21 (Christmas 1910).

“The Smugglers” is based on its publication in Grand Magazine (March 1911).

“In the Wailing Gully” is based on its publication in Grand Magazine No. 79 (September 1911).

“The Girl with the Grey Eyes” is based on its publication in Red Magazine No. 91 (January 15, 1913)

“Kind, Kind and Gentle Is She” is based on its publication in Red Magazine No. 96 (April 1, 1913).

“A Timely Escape” is based on its publication in Blue Magazine (June 1922).