Read them all!

art Baseball Flyhawk art Dive Right In
art Baseball Turnaround art Double Play at Short
art The Basket Counts art Face-Off
art Body Check art Fairway Phenom
art Catch That Pass! art Football Double Threat
art Catcher with a Glass Arm art Football Fugitive
art Catching Waves art Football Nightmare
art Center Court Sting art The Fox Steals Home
art Centerfield Ballhawk art Goalkeeper in Charge
art Challenge at Second Base art The Great Quarterback Switch
art The Comeback Challenge art Halfback Attack *
art Comeback of the Home Run Kid art The Hockey Machine
art Cool as Ice art Hot Shot
art The Diamond Champs art Ice Magic
art Dirt Bike Racer art Johnny Long Legs
art Dirt Bike Runaway art Karate Kick
art The Kid Who Only Hit Homers art Slam Dunk
art Lacrosse Face-Off art Snowboard Champ
art Lacrosse Firestorm art Snowboard Maverick
art Line Drive to Short ** art Snowboard Showdown
art Long-Arm Quarterback art Soccer Duel
art Long Shot for Paul art Soccer Halfback
art Look Who’s Playing First Base art Soccer Hero
art Miracle at the Plate art Soccer Scoop
art Mountain Bike Mania art Stealing Home
art Nothin’ But Net art The Submarine Pitch
art Penalty Shot art The Team That Couldn’t Lose
art Power Pitcher *** art Tennis Ace
art The Reluctant Pitcher art Tight End
art Return of the Home Run Kid art Top Wing
art Run for It art Touchdown for Tommy
art Shoot for the Hoop art Tough to Tackle
art Shortstop from Tokyo art Wingman on Ice
art Skateboard Renegade art The Year Mom Won the Pennant
art Skateboard Tough

All available in paperback from Little, Brown and Company