Note: This is a list of the more common abbreviations and acronyms used in the text It is not an exhaustive list.
AAAF | Anglo-American Authority File |
AACR | Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules |
ABN | Australian Bibliographic Network |
ALA | American library Association |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange |
ASSIA | Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts |
BC | (Bliss) Bibliographic Classification |
BC2 | (Bliss) Bibliographic Classification, 2nd edn |
BIDS | Bath Information and Data Services |
BL | British library |
BLAISE | British library Automated Information Service |
BLCMP | Birmingham libraries Co-operative Mechanization Project |
BNB | British National Bibliography |
BT | broader term |
BT | (G) broader term (generic) |
BT | (P) broader term (partitive) |
BTI | British Technology Index |
CC | Colon Classification |
CCF | Common Communications Format |
CD | compact disc |
CD-ROM | compact disc read-only memory |
CIP | Cataloguing in Publication |
CONSER | Conversion of Serials project |
DBM | Sdatabase management system |
DDC | Dewey Decimal Classification |
DOS | disc operating system |
DTD | document type definition |
DVD | digital versatile disc |
DVI | digital video interactive |
EARL | Electronic Access to Resources in Libraries |
EDD | Electronic data delivery |
EIS | executive information systems |
ERIC | Educational Resources Information Center |
FID | Fédération Internationale d’Information et de Documentation |
FTP | file transfer protocol |
GUI | graphical user interface |
HTML | Hypertext Markup Language |
HTTP | hypertext transfer protocol |
IFLA | International Federation of library Association |
IIB | Institut International de la Bibliographie |
IP | Internet Protocol |
ISBD | International Standard Bibliographic Description |
ISBN | International Standard Book Number |
ISDS | International Serials Data System |
ISO | International Standards Organization |
ISSN | International Standard Serial Number |
IT | information technology |
KWIC | keyword in context (index) |
KWOC | keyword out of context (index) |
LAN | local area network |
LASER | London and South East Region |
LC | Library of Congress |
LCC | Library of Congress Classification |
LCSH | Library of Congress Subject Headings |
LMS | library management system |
MARC | Machine-Readable Cataloguing |
MeSH | Medical Subject Headings |
MM-DBMS | multimedia database management system |
NCSA | National Center for Supercomputer Applications |
NSDC | National Serials Data Centre |
NT | narrower term |
NT(G) | narrower term (generic) |
NT(P) | narrower term (partitive) |
OCLC | Online Computer Library Center (originally Ohio College Online Computer Library Center) |
OPAC | online public access catalogue |
OSI | Open systems interconnection |
PC | personal computer |
portable document format |
PIF | Editor Program information files editor |
PRECIS | Preserved Context Index System |
RLG | Research Libraries Group |
RT | related term |
SDI | Selective Dissemination of Information |
SGM | Standard Generalized Markup Language |
SISP | Strategic Information Systems Planningsue |
SLIC | Selective listing in Combination |
SN | scope note |
TCP/IP | transmission control protocol/Internet protocol |
TT | top term |
UDC | Universal Decimal Classification |
UF | used for |
UKMARC | United Kingdom MARC (format) |
UNESCO | United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization |
URL | Uniform Resource Locator |
URN | Uniform Resource Number |
USMARC | United States MARC (format) |
VCR | video cassette recorder |
WAN | wide area network |
Web | World Wide Web |
WWW | World Wide Webxix |