Jason Hallman, my editor for the Lexington Books edition of Overwhelmed, supported my efforts to find another publisher once Lexington moved exclusively into the textbook business. He sent my work to Camille Cline, then acquisitions editor at Taylor Trade Publishing. We immediately connected. Working with her on the new edition has been a pleasure.
Two interns from New College, Sarasota, Florida—Heather A. King and Lisa N. Harrington—simplified the library research. For example, Heather uncovered all the newest references on resilience, which I have built into the text, and Lisa clarified the research on work-life fit and work-life balance. Their help was enormous.
My colleague and dear friend, Stephanie Kay, is always there giving me support. She encouraged me to incorporate the Transition Guide, our joint product, as the final chapter of the book.
Betty Bowers, secretary and friend, helps in countless ways, the most important of which is the commitment she shows to my various projects. She typed the original manuscript in 1989 and is on board again in 2005. Modern technology makes it essential to have a computer guru on hand. Tudor Stefan Popescu, assistant administrator at the Cosmos Club in Washington, DC, continually helped me with computer problems, making it possible to produce this book. Thanks to the continued support given by the colleagues with whom I have worked over the years. The assistance given by Richard Chapman, Karen Samuelsen, and Jun Li is greatly appreciated.
Many thanks to my friends, Norma Sue Madden and Marcia Weiss, who have supported me since junior high school days as I cope with personal and professional transitions; and to my husband, Steve, and adult children, Karen and Mark, with whom I share the joys and sorrows that are part of the adult years.
I am especially grateful to those who shared their life stories with me, which showed their enormous resources to manage change, teaching me that “the best is yet to be.”