Stacia pushed through the doors into the main floor of Waterman, shoving past a duo of college boys who almost fell over themselves getting a look at her. She frowned, uncertain where his classroom was, but just as Omega told her “Downstairs” through her cell phone, Justin spoke from the stairwell doorway. “He’s down here. Come on,” he said, turning and bounding down the stairs.
Chris heard Justin, despite not catching actual sight of the werebear, as he and ‘Sos came in behind Stacia. All three rushed the stairs, ignoring the stares they were getting from the few people in the halls.
Coming out on the lowest level, they found Justin standing outside a closed door, facing them with a finger over his lips for quiet. They ghosted over to him, almost completely silent.
Justin pulled out a pad of paper from his bookbag and wrote quickly, then held up the pad for them to read.
-He is confronting her. I think he is winning at the moment but now she sounds different.
Chris and Stacia looked at each other, then back to the werebear. “Different how?” Chris mouthed without sound.
The wall next to them exploded out into the hallway, a gigantic blue-gray-scaled figure flying across the entire space to slam into the far wall. Roaring, the demoness stood up, slamming down two giant feet that seemed to have been encased in concrete. Silver orbs flew out of the opening in the wall, some spitting rapid fire projectiles with a steady ripping sound, some firing bolts of sharp blue light. Dark slate-colored scales bubbled and smoked under the impact of the tiny bullets or outright vaporized under the beams of light and the demon roared again, this time in pain, before she turned to see Chris and Stacia, as well as big Justin and the gigantic form of Awasos in Kodiak form.
Lilith towered seven feet tall in her true form, with scaly blue skin, little horns protruding from her head, and a shock of black hair that moved and twisted on its own as if she were floating under water. She crouched for a split second, thigh muscles like coiled cables, then jumped almost straight up, punching her whole body through to the floor above. The orbs shot up after her and a split-second later, Chris jumped after them, followed by Justin and then ‘Sos, who transformed into a wolf long enough to leap after the others.
Stacia instantly ran into the classroom, finding her mate and a female student pulling bracelets off the rest of the class.
“Hey, I’m fine. Pull these things off and throw them in that pile we’re making,” Declan said. “Bitch had some kind of mind control going on.”
Stacia studied him for a second, noting that he wore a leather bracelet of his own that she’d never seen before, but it was nothing like the copper ones on the floor. She turned to the other girl, who was yanking bracelets and throwing them as fast as she could. “Oh hey. You’re Declan’s girlfriend. I’m Alli. We went to high school together,” she said, brushing back really long brown hair. She was pale with shock, her dark brown eyes looking slightly frantic, but otherwise she was holding it together.
With a shrug, Stacia started to pull the copper bands from the kids in the front of the class, pausing after a moment to take in the damage to the classroom. It was all in the front, a torn-up section of the cement floor and the gaping hole in the wall that she now saw had once been the chalkboard.
“Your trick worked alright then?” she asked, tossing another two bracelets into the growing heap in the middle of the room.
“Yeah. Witch spells not so much, but the power I borrowed from Robbie and Draco with these amulets did just fine,” her witch said, pulling the last bracelet from a nerdy-looking kid in the back. Throwing it into the pile on the floor, Declan clutched one of his necklaces and the whole pile of tainted metal bands sank into what had been solid concrete a second before. The floor reformed itself, smooth and a few shades lighter than it had been, but looking just as hard as the rest.
“If this lot is secure, then come on. We gotta get out of here,” Stacia said.
“The demoness has disappeared into the Davis Student Center. She has now likely changed shape while we were in pursuit and we haven’t reacquired her yet,” Omega reported through Stacia’s phone.
“She could look like any student in there,” Declan said as Stacia grabbed his hand and pulled him out the doorway.