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AC/DC, 212

Adele, 71, 72–73

advertising, 162–69

best uses of, 167–69

billboards, 165–66, 167–68

product launch and, 125, 162

T-shirts as free, 212

using data for, 164

word of mouth vs., 119

A Farewell to Arms (Hemingway), 38, 202

Agamemnon (Seneca), 100

Alchemist, The (Coelho), 169

Allen, Woody, 206–7, 214

Altucher, James, 75, 123–24, 160, 184, 189


paying employees to quit, 29

potential audience on, 137–38

sales rank, 117, 139–40, 149

timelessness and, 31

Amazon Prime, 134

American Apparel, 9, 144, 145, 168

“amnesia marketing,” 190

Apatow, Judd, 229

Appelhof, Mary, 44–45

Apple, 121, 128, 206

App Store, 154

AppSumo, 190

Ask the Dust (Fante), 63–65, 140–41, 219


defining intended, 44–47, 82–89

“for what?” question, 47–51

“audience’s audience,” 143

availability bias, 33–34, 91

Avatar (movie), 28–29, 31n

“backtracking,” 40

Basecamp, 112, 134, 204

Beatty, Warren, 25

Berger, Jonah, 119

Bezos, Jeff, 31

Bic pen, 137

Bitcoin, 160

BitTorrent, 132, 191

Blue Ocean Strategy, 52, 53

Bonfire of the Vanities, The (Wolfe), 150

book covers, 91–92, 94–95

Born to Run (album), 54, 103, 220–21

Bowie, David, 7

Boyd, John, 40

Bradbury, Ray, 135–36, 150

Brooks, Albert, 49

build a list, 184–92

Bukowski, Charles, 135–36, 141

BuzzFeed, 84

Cadaver Connection, 40

Cain, Susan, 84

Calipari, John, 147–48

“Call to Arms,” 126

Cameron, James, 28–29

Campbell, Joseph, 34–35

Capote, Truman, 55, 56, 122, 122n

Carey, Drew, 141–42

Carroll, Pete, 53

Carson, Johnny, 141–42

car test, 76–77, 76n

Cash Money Records, 118

Catcher in the Rye, The (Salinger), 94–95


finding your, 140–43

making the ask and utilizing, 143–48

word of mouth and, 118–21

Chandler, Raymond, 138–39

Charity:water, 93–94

Choose Yourself (Altucher), 75, 123–24, 160, 184, 189

Churchill, Winston, 105, 180

Cire Trudon, 6

Clifton’s Cafeteria (Los Angeles), 5, 35–36, 36, 135–36

Clinton, Hillary, 194–95, 195n

Coelho, Paulo, 131–32, 169

Cohen, Herb, 111

Cohen, Rich, 76–77

Connolly, Cyril, 1–2, 17, 38, 102, 118–19, 226–27

Contagious (Berger), 119n

contests, 191

core audience, 87, 152

Count of Monte Cristo, The (Dumas), 201

Coyne, Shawn, 88

Craigslist, 48, 157, 188, 203–4

creative process, 17–60

bold, brash, and brave, 51–57

building body of work, 204–9

creativity, 37–39

domain dominance, 44–47

drawdown period, 40–41

“for what?” question, 47–51

importance of the work, 19–21

marathon vs. sprint, 27–29

marketing vs. creating, 17–19

role of ideas, 21–22

role of purpose, 23–24

short term vs. long term, 33–37

testing ideas, 41–44

timelessness, 29–32

willingness to sacrifice, 24–27

Cruise, Tom, 37, 95

Curtis, Drew, 187

Daily Stoic, The (Holiday), 216

Darabont, Frank, 37

Death of a Salesman (Miller), 226

De Vany, Arthur, 205n

DeWitt, Jerry, 156

Dickinson, Bruce, 214

“Dip, the” (Godin), 28

discovery costs, 129

Doctorow, Cory, 132–33

domain dominance, 44–47

“Don’t Buy This Jacket” ad, 167

drafts, 25, 70, 76–77

Drake, 29

drawdown period, 40–41

Drucker, Peter, 113

Dumas, Alexandre, 201, 209n

Dylan, Bob, 3

ebooks, 138, 139

Ecko, Marc, 103, 144

Ecko Unltd., 144

Edge of Tomorrow (movie), 95

editors, role of, 69–76, 82

elevator pitch, 97

email lists, 184–92

how to build, 188–92, 196

Kevin Hart’s platform, 185–87

use of email, 187–88

empire building, 211–16

endorsements (endorsers)

finding, 140–43

making the ask and utilizing, 143–48

word of mouth and, 118–21

Enemies of Promise (Connolly), 1–2, 17, 102, 118–19

entrepreneurial mindset, 212–13

Epictetus, 170

Evans, Robert, 44

Evernote, 20

Fahrenheit 451 (Bradbury), 150

fans, 197–99

reaching out to new, 209–11

Fante, John, 63–65, 140–41, 219

Favreau, Jon, 49–50, 80–81

feedback, 42, 69–76

Ferriss, Tim, 92, 129, 192–94

50 Cent, 127–28, 131, 134, 160, 209

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 73, 149–50, 163

Fleming, Ian, 165, 202–3, 215

Fog of War, The (documentary), 96

4-Hour Workweek, The (Ferriss), 92

48 Laws of Power, The (Greene), 8–9

free marketing strategy, 127–35, 190

freemium, 134, 171

French, Jay Jay, 197

Fried, Jason, 112

Friedman, Jane, 161

Gaiman, Neil, 73

Game, The (Strauss), 202

genre, 79–81

Godin, Seth, 28, 68, 80, 120, 188, 200–201

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 52–53, 210

Goins, Jeff, 104

Google, 32, 33, 92, 215

Google Alert, 148

Google Doodles, 160–61

GoreTex, 50

Graham, Paul, 20, 46

Grateful Dead, 53

Great Gatsby, The (Fitzgerald), 8, 73

Greene, Robert, 20, 88–89

annotating excerpts, 160

The Art of Seduction, 202

body of work, 205, 209

The 48 Laws of Power, 8–9

Mastery, 89, 133n

Hamilton, Alexander, 30–31

Hanselman, Stephen, 202–3

“Happy Birthday” (song), 51

Hart, Kevin, 185–87

Hefner, Hugh, 150

Hemingway, Ernest, 37, 38, 70, 163, 202, 214

Hendricks, Barbara, 198, 200

Hendricks, Ken, 206

Henley, Don, 144

Herrera, Mike, 223–25

Hetfield, James, 76n

Hidden Fortress, The (movie), 34

History of the English-Speaking Peoples, A (Churchill), 105

Hitler, Adolf, 65

Hohoff, Tay, 70–72

Horowitz, Ben, 116

Howey, Hugh, 129

Huba, Jackie, 181n

humility, 41–42, 75, 114–16

Hyatt, Michael, 179, 180


drawdown period, 40–41

as a lightning strike, 38

role of, 21–22, 52

testing, 41–44

I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell (Max), 8–9, 131

In Cold Blood (Capote), 55, 56, 122n


finding your, 140–43

making the ask and utilizing, 143–48

word of mouth and, 118–21

Instagram, 141

“Stories” feature, 169–70

Iron Maiden, 5, 176–79, 184, 214

fan base, 176–79, 197

T-shirt sales, 212

Iron Man (movie), 49–50, 80–81

Jackson, Michael, 212

Jagger, Mick, 76–77

Jay Z, 118, 211, 213, 216

Jenkins, Jerry, 48

Jobs, Steve, 92, 102, 206

Johnson, Steven, 213

Justin’s Peanut Butter, 87

Kafka, Franz, 202

Kagan, Noah, 190, 191

karmic debt, 196, 198–99

Katz’s Deli, 50, 147

Kaufman, Scott Barry, 38–39

Keats, John, 39

Kelly, Kevin, 178, 224

Kerouac, Jack, 38, 38n, 135

Keynes, John Maynard, 121

Kim, W. Chan, 52

King, Stephen, 46–47, 58

Kleon, Austin, 22, 121n

Klosterman, Chuck, 103

Knight, Phil, 118

Kogi Korean BBQ, 43

Kool DJ Red Alert, 144

Koppelman, Brian, 42, 80

Koss Corporation, 165–66

Kuhn, Thomas, 199

Lady Gaga, 5n, 87, 181, 197, 209

Lamott, Anne, 43

Langer’s Deli, 50

La Sagrada Família (Barcelona), 27

launch, the, 120–27, 202

the “what,” 125–27

Lavergne, Chris, 188

Leavell, Byrd, 112

Lee, Harper, 70–72, 208

Lee, Spike, 144

Levien, David, 42

Lewis, Sinclair, 150

Libin, Phil, 20

Life (magazine), 150

Lindy effect, 6, 117, 187, 198–99

Litt, Toby, 46

Louis C.K., 207, 210

Lucas, Frank, 40

Lucas, George, 8, 25, 34–35

McEwan, Ian, 111

McKee, Robert, 58–59

McPhee, John, 25n, 208

Mad Men (TV show), 27–28

Marcus Aurelius, 97, 184

marketing, 109–71, 203–4

advertising, 162–69

anything can be, 116–18

building body of work, 204–9

cheap strategy, 135–41

creating vs., 17–19

finding champions, 140–43

free strategy, 127–35

as a job, 111–14

the launch, 120–27

making the ask, 143–48

media coverage, 148–59

newsjacking, 159–62

reaching out to new fans, 209–11

sense of entitlement, 114–16

word of mouth, 118–21

Maron, Marc, 195

Martin, Max, 76, 76n, 77

Martin, Steve, 229

Mastery (Greene), 89, 133n

Mauborgne, Renée, 52

Maugham, W. Somerset, 122

Max, Tucker, 9, 131

May, Ralphie, 202

Mayer, Marissa, 92

media coverage, 148–59

credibility and status, 150–51

grabbing attention, 154–59

newsjacking, 159–62

paid (advertising), 162–69

starting small, 152–54

Meieran, Andrew, 35, 135–36

Mein Kampf (Hitler), 65

Melville, Herman, 206

Mencken, H. L., 163n

Metallica, 76n, 132, 134, 212

Miller, Arthur, 226

Minimum Viable Product, 43

Miranda, Lin-Manuel, 45

Monster Loyalty (Huba), 181n

Monsters, Inc. (movie), 50

Morris, Errol, 96

Musk, Elon, 25, 99

MxPx, 221–25

Nabokov, Vladimir, 103

Nas, 146

Neistat, Casey, 21–22, 158, 182–83, 189

network, as net worth, 192–94

New England Patriots, 153

Newmark, Craig, 48, 188, 227

newsjacking, 159–62

advertising and, 168

newsletters, 189, 192

NeXT, 92

Nike, 118, 128

Obioma, Chigozie, 54

Obstacle Is the Way, The (Holiday), 139, 152–53, 166

Once a Runner (Parker), 118

“One for Them, One for Me” strategy, 210

“One Sentence, One Paragraph, One Page” exercise, 78–82, 96–97

1,000 True Fans, 178, 224

On the Road (Kerouac), 38, 38n, 135

Orbison, Roy, 95

O’Reilly, Tim, 128

Original Pantry Cafe (Los Angeles), 5, 204

Orwell, George, 24–25

Ouzounian, George, 134–35

packaging, 90–98

Page, Larry, 32

paid media, 162–69

paradigm shifts, 199

Parker, John, Jr., 118

Patagonia, 167

Patterson, James, 157

Peretti, Jonah, 84

Perkins, Maxwell, 163

“permission assets,” 188

piracy, 128, 131–32, 134

pitch, the, 90–91, 95–98

platform, 175–217

building a body of work, 204–9

building an empire, 211–16

building your list, 184–92

defined, 179–82

importance of, 182–84

marketing, 203–4

network, 192–94

reaching out to new fans, 209–11

relationships, 194–99

settling in for long haul, 199–203

positioning, 63–106

audience question, 82–89

CEO of work, 67–69

commercialism, 102–4

halfway to halfway point, 66–67

mission, 98–102

“One Sentence, One Paragraph, One Page,” 78–82

packaging and the pitch, 90–98

role of editors, 69–76

testing and retesting, 76–77

Powell, Padgett, 120–21

Presley, Elvis, 88, 211

Pressfield, Steven, 59, 116–17

pre-VIPs, 193–94


cheap strategy, 135–41

freemium, 134, 171

free strategy, 127–35

Pullman, Bill, 6–7

pulp paperbacks, 138–39

Quiet (Cain), 84

Rao, Srinivas, 53

Rap Genius, 160

Ray-Ban Wayfarers, 144

Reign in Blood (album), 55

Ries, Al, 93, 113

Rocky (movie), 37, 38

Rolling Stones, 76–77

Roth, Joey, 36, 140

Rounders (movie), 42

Rubin, Rick, 35, 54–55, 72

Salinger, J. D., 94–95

Salter, James, 2–3

Sanders, Bernie, 194–95

Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 182

Scott, David Meerman, 159

Scribner’s Magazine, 149

Seinfeld (TV show), 31, 91, 207

Seinfeld, Jerry, 207, 210

Seneca, 100

serialized novels, 149–50

Sex and the City (TV show), 87

Shakespeare, William, 8, 205

Shawshank Redemption, The (movie), 4–5, 37

Siegler, M. G., 154

Sierra, Kathy, 143

Silverman, Sarah, 21

Sistine Chapel, 27

Slaughterhouse-Five (Vonnegut), 119n

Slayer, 54–55

Smith, Derek Vincent (aka Pretty Lights), 129–30

Snapchat, 170

Snapper Inc., 101

social media, 169–70, 187

“Call to Arms,” 126

social proof, 147–48

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 3

Sorapot, 36, 140

Soulja Boy, 131

South by Southwest (SXSW), 157, 193

spontaneous creation, myth of, 37–39, 57–58

Sports Illustrated, 153, 166

Spotify, 5, 110, 134, 209

Springsteen, Bruce, 54, 103, 220–21


growth rate, 20

market need, 48, 49n

Minimum Viable Product, 43

reason for failure, 48n

short term vs. long term, 34

starving artists, 104

Star Wars (movies), 7–8, 25, 34–35, 122, 182, 201n

Steinbeck, John, 47, 214

Stevenson, Robert Louis, 149

Strauss, Neil, 92, 141, 168n, 202

Structure of Scientific Revolutions, The (Kuhn), 199

Sunstein, Cass, 122

“swag bomb,” 144

Taleb, Nassim, 6, 205, 220

Taylor, Bret, 91

TED Talks, 129, 130

Thiel, Peter, 33, 109, 112

Thin Blue Line, The (movie), 96

Thompson, Hunter S., 25

To Kill a Mockingbird (Lee), 70–72

Tonight Show, The (TV show), 141–42

Toyota Way, 30

Toy Story (movie), 50

“trading up the chain,” 153

Trout, Jack, 93, 113

Trust Me, I’m Lying (Holiday), 85–86, 99

Truth, The (Strauss), 92

Turner, Ted, 7

22 Immutable Laws of Marketing, The (Ries and Trout), 93

Twisted Sister, 197

Twitter, 18, 186, 204

Uber, 55, 209

Van Halen, 229

Van Hofwegen, Nick, 214–15

Vonnegut, Kurt, 47, 119n

Walmart, 101, 163

Walsh, Bill, 225–26

War of Art, The (Pressfield), 59

War of the Worlds, The (radio broadcast), 55, 56

Warrior Ethos, The (Pressfield), 116–17

WD-40, 50, 73

Wealthfront, 95

Weiner, Matthew, 27–28

Weinstein, Harvey, 95–96

Weintraub, Jerry, 88

Welch, Jack, 198, 207

Welles, Orson, 55, 56, 57

West, Kanye, 104, 144, 209

Wolfe, Tom, 150

Wool (Howey), 129

word of mouth, 118–21, 170

Worms Eat My Garbage (Appelhof), 44–45

Wrecker, The (Stevenson), 149

Wrigley’s gum, 137

Wurtzel, Elizabeth, 56

Y Combinator, 20, 46, 68, 73–74

YouTube, 68, 183, 189

Zappos, 29

Zeds Dead, 156–57

Zero to One (Thiel), 112

Zildjian cymbals, 5–6

Zweig, Stefan, 32, 175, 180–81