Music plays. Pause.
RICHARD: It’s very beautiful.
MARIAN: It is . . .
(They listen. Benjamin starts to stand.)
Where are you going?
BENJAMIN (Holding out his hand): Could I have a cigarette?
MARIAN: You just had one. No.
(He gives her a look and sits back down.
Richard watches this. The music plays.)
RICHARD: Listen to the music, Uncle. (About the music) How often do they rehearse?
MARIAN: Once a week. At night. Tuesday nights.
(She smiles, listening.)
MARIAN: The pianist. He never wears shoes. He plays barefoot. Barbara says he’s always there.
RICHARD: Why doesn’t he wear shoes?
MARIAN (Shrugs): I don’t know. I don’t know. Listen to this.
(They listen. Marian looks at her brother, reaches out and takes his hand and holds it.
Barbara says—it’s a phenomenal feeling, singing in a group that size.
MARIAN: Hundred and twenty maybe. Hundred and thirty? And all ages. Not just from the community, but Bard students too. You should come up and hear one of their concerts, they perform in a beautiful new theater. Right on the campus.
RICHARD: Where they do the summer—? (“festival”)
MARIAN: Same place . . .
RICHARD: Have you been to one of these concerts, Uncle?
MARIAN (As Benjamin turns to her; answering for him): He has.
RICHARD: This is from last Christmas, you said?
MARIAN: Their Christmas concert . . . (To Benjamin) You were there.
She says she feels like she’s part of something. Something big. Or bigger.
RICHARD: I can imagine that.
MARIAN: The conductor’s a very nice man. Smart. He makes it fun.
RICHARD: I wish I could sing. So what’s stopping you? You should join. Barbara’s right.
MARIAN: Maybe.
RICHARD: You sing.
MARIAN: I don’t know.
RICHARD: You should get out.
MARIAN: I get out, Richard. (Points out) The altos . . . (She looks at him)
(The sound of car doors closing interrupts.)
That’s them. That’s Barbara’s car. I have to turn that off.
(She is up.)
RICHARD: Why do you have to—?
MARIAN: And— (Looks around, then gesturing toward the living room) Hide in here—
MARIAN: Hide. Hide! Come on, Richard. Uncle, sh-sh. Don’t say anything.
RICHARD (Getting up): My car’s out front.
MARIAN: You said it was a rent-a-car. Hide! Wait, take your cup. Please. I want to see their faces . . .
(Marian hurries off into the living room. Benjamin and Richard share a look. Benjamin hands him his cup.
The music suddenly goes off in the other room. Marian hurries back in.)
(Hurrying through) Hide! Will you just hide? Get in there!
(She pushes Richard off into the living room, then hurries off into the kitchen.
Greetings off in the kitchen; Benjamin is alone, confused.
The lights fade.)