When you have devoted so much time in creating a handknit, it is important to care for it to ensure a long life.
How frequently a garment needs washing depends on how it is worn. Many outerwear garments may not need laundering on a regular basis. If it does, be sure to check the specific care instructions of the yarn that you have used. Not all yarns are machine washable. Look at the labels: those on most commercial yarns have instructions for washing or dry cleaning, drying and pressing. So, for a project knitted in a single yarn, a quick look at the yarn label will tell you how to care for it. If you have worked with several yarns in one design, the aftercare will require a little more thought. If one label states dry clean only, then dry clean the design. If in doubt about whether or not your knitting is washable, then knit a swatch in the same yarn(s). Wash this to see if the fabric is affected by being immersed in water or not, watching for shrinkage and stretching. If satisfied with the results, go ahead and wash the knitting by hand and using lukewarm water. Never use hot water, as this will ‘felt’ your knitted fabric, and you will not be able to return it to its pre-washed state. Wool in particular tends to react to major changes in temperature.
When washing any knitted item, handle it carefully. There should be enough water to cover the garment completely and the soap should be thoroughly dissolved before immersing it. Try a specially formulated wool wash for the best care – some do not require further rinsing, so refer to the specific instructions of your chosen detergent. Should you decide to wash any knitted garment in a machine, place it inside a pillowcase as an extra precaution, and be sure to set a slow spin cycle.
Gently squeeze the garment between towels to remove excess water. Do not hang wet knitting up to dry, as the weight of the water will stretch it out of shape. To dry, lay the knitting out flat on top of a towel, which will absorb some of the moisture. Ease the garment into shape. Dry away from direct heat and leave flat until completely dry.
When the garment is dry, ease it into shape. Check the yarn label before pressing your knitting as most fibres only require a little steam, and the iron should be applied gently. Alternatively, press with a damp cloth between the garment and the iron.
Since food stains and body oils attract moths, you should ensure that garments made with natural fibres such as wool (which is particularly prone to moth) are clean before packing away in airtight bags or containers. You can also use moth repellent in your storage container or wardrobe, but do not leave directly on the garment.
Over the lifetime of your handknit small holes from moth, a snagged stitch, or just general wear and tear on areas such as elbows, necks and cuffs will occur. These can be mended invisibly in the same yarn and colour by darning, or you can choose to use a visible darning method to accentuate the repair and make a feature of it.
Learning to embrace the patina of age and wear, as well as the idiosyncrasies of the handmade is all part of the Slow Clothes movement.