
A versatile sleeveless cardigan worked in slip-stitch brioche rib. The stitches are deflected left and right to create interesting and refined vertical and diagonal lines, textures and patterns on the back. The fronts, in contrast, are knitted in K1, P1 rib and slip-stitch brioche with mock pockets, extended and shaped armholes and integral selvedge front bands to create a clean edge-to-edge front tied with a rib belt.


erika knight gossypium cotton

100% cotton

Approx. 100m (109yd) per 50g (1¾oz) ball



Design shown in all photos is a size Medium.

Colour: Milk. Model: UK size 6–8. Height: 5’6”.



13(14:15:16) x 50g (1¾oz) balls

3.25mm and 3.75mm needles

Stitch markers

Stitch holders

Large-eyed blunt-tipped sewing needle


Yarn amounts given are based on average requirements and are approximate.


22 sts and 34 rows to 10cm measured over brioche rib patt using 3.75mm needles after steaming. Change needle size as necessary to ensure the correct tension.



Dbl inc—double inc into 1 stitch: knit next st tog with its yo, yo, then knit into the same st again

Rdec—right double dec: slip the next st with its yo and the foll st knitwise, insert LH needle into fronts of these sts and K tog, slip this st back onto the LH needle, pass the next st with its yo, over this slipped st and return this st to the RH needle

Ldec—left double dec: slip next st and its yo onto the RH needle knitwise, K tog the next st and foll st with its yo, then pass the slipped st and its yo over this st




Worked in P1, K1 rib and brioche rib, with a 4-row stitch deflection.

Using 3.75mm needles cast on 115(123:133:141) sts and work in P1, K1 rib as foll:

Row 1 (RS): [P1, K1] to last st, P1.

Row 2: [K1, P1] to last st, K1.

Rep last 2 rows 8 times more, then row 1 once more, ending with WS facing for next row, pm at both ends of last row.

Cont in brioche rib as foll:

Next row (WS): [K1, yfwd, slip next st purlwise] to last st, K1.

Next row: [P1, K next st tog with its yo] to last st, P1.

Note: Always count the slipped st and its accompanying yarn over as a single stitch.

Rep last 2 rows once more.

Next row: [K1, yfwd, slip next st purlwise] to last st, K1. Mark centre st of this row, which is st 58(62:67:71) of the row.

Start working stitch deflection as foll:

Next row (RS): P1, K next st tog with its yo, P1, pm, Rdec, patt to 2 sts before marked st, Dbl inc in next st, P1, K next st tog with its yo, P1, Dbl inc in next st, patt to last 6 sts, Ldec, pm, P1, K next st tog with its yo, P1.

Next row: [K1, yfwd, slip next st purlwise] to last st, K1, sm as you work.

Next row: [P1, K next st tog with its yo] to last st, P1, sm as you work.

Next row: [K1, yfwd, slip next st purlwise] to last st, K1, sm as you work.

Rep last 4 rows until work meas 35(37:39:41)cm (approx. 100:106:114:120 rows in brioche rib from side markers) from cast-on edge, ending with RS facing for next row. Make a note of number of rows worked as you will work same number of rows for fronts.

Shape armholes:

Keeping the 4-row rep correct, inc 1 st at both ends of next 6 rows. 127(135:145:153) sts.

Note: When you have 2 consecutive new sts, then work these in patt.

Shape armhole edge:

Keeping the 4-row rep correct, work as foll:

Cast on 6 sts at beg of next 2 rows. 139(147:157:165) sts.

Work 12 rows straight.

Next row (inc) (RS): Patt 12, M1, patt to last 12 sts, M1, patt to end of row.

Note: On WS rows K the M1 and on RS rows P the M1.

Inc as above on every foll 14th row until 147(155:165:173) sts.

Note: When you have 2 consecutive new sts, then work these in patt.

AT THE SAME TIME when armhole meas 14(15:16:17)cm (approx. 48:52:54:58 rows) from cast-on sts at armhole edges, and with WS facing for next row, remove markers and cont in brioche rib across all sts as foll:

Row 1 (WS): [K1, yfwd, slip next st purlwise] to last st, K1.

Row 2: [P1, K next st tog with its yo] to last st, P1.

Rep last 2 rows until armhole meas 20(21:22:23)cm, (approx. 68:72:74:78 rows) from cast-off sts at armhole edges, ending with RS facing for next row.

Shape back neck and shoulders:

Next row (RS): Patt to last 5(6:6:6) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to last 5(6:6:6) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to last 10(12:12:12) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to last 10(12:12:12) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to last 15(18:18:18) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to last 15(18:18:18) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to last 20(24:24:24) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to last 20(24:24:24) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to last 25(29:30:30) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to last 25(29:30:30) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to last 30(34:36:36) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to last 30(34:36:36) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to last 35(39:42:42) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to last 35(39:42:42) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to last 40(44:48:48) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to last 40(44:48:48) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt 18(18:18:22), turn and leave rem sts on a holder. 58(62:66:70) sts.

Next row: Cast off 3 sts, patt to last 45(49:53:54) sts, wrap next st, turn. 55(59:63:67) sts.

Next row: Patt to end of row.

Next row: Patt to last 50(54:58:60) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to end of row.

Next row: Patt across all sts, picking up wraps as you work.

Cut yarn leaving a long end.

Slip these 55(59:63:67) sts onto a holder for shoulder.

With RS facing slip centre 31(31:33:33) sts onto a holder. Rejoin yarn to rem 58(62:66:70) sts and work as foll:

Next row (RS): Cast off 3 sts, patt to last 45(49:53:54) sts, wrap next st, turn. 55(59:63:67) sts.

Next row: Patt to end of row.

Next row: Patt to last 50(54:58:60) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to end of row.

Next row: Patt across all sts, picking up wraps as you work.

Cut yarn leaving a long end.

Slip these 55(59:63:67) sts onto a holder for the shoulder.

Note: Join in new balls of yarn at side edges of both fronts.


Worked in P1, K1 rib and brioche rib, with a mock pocket detail.

Using 3.75mm needles cast on 61(65:69:73) sts and work in P1, K1 rib as foll:

Row 1 (RS): [P1, K1] to last st, P1.

Row 2: [K1, P1] to last st, K1.

Next row (inc): Rib as set to last 7 sts, M1, rib 7 as set.

Inc as above on every foll 4th row until 65(69:73:77) sts.

Work 4 more rows in rib, ending with WS facing for next row, pm at end of last row.

Cont in brioche rib throughout as foll:

Row 1 (WS): [K1, yfwd, slip next st purlwise] to last st, K1.

Row 2: [P1, K next st tog with its yo] to last st, P1.

Note: Always count the slipped st and its accompanying yarn over as a single stitch.

Work another 17(17:23:23) rows in brioche rib, ending with RS facing for next row.

Work mock pocket detail:

Next row (RS): Patt to last 26(28:30:32) sts, Rdec, pm, patt 5, Dbl inc, patt to end of row.

Work 3 rows in brioche rib.

Next row: Patt to 3 sts before marker, Rdec, sm, patt 5, Dbl inc, patt to end of row.

Work 3 rows in brioche rib.

Rep last 4 rows 9 times more.

Keeping patt correct cont straight until work meas 35(37:39:41)cm (approx. 100:106:114:120 rows in brioche rib from side marker – same number of rows that you worked for back) from cast-on edge, ending with RS facing for next row.

Shape armhole and neck:

Next row (inc, RS): Patt to last st, inc in next st.

Next row (inc): Inc in first st, patt to end of row.

Next row (inc): Patt 9, Rdec, patt to last st, inc in next st. 66(70:74:78) sts.

Next row (inc): Inc in first st, patt to end of row.

Next row (inc): Patt to last st, inc in next st.

Next row (inc): Inc in first st, patt to end of row. 69(73:77:81) sts.

Next row: Patt to end of row.

Shape armhole edge:

Next row (WS): Cast on 6 sts, patt to end of row. 75(79:83:87) sts.

Work 2 rows.


Next row (dec): Patt 9, Rdec, patt to end of row. 73(77:81:85) sts.

Work 7 rows.

Next row (dec): Patt 9, Rdec, patt to end of row. 71(75:79:83) sts.

Work 1 row.

Next row (inc): Patt to last 12 sts, M1, patt to end of row. 72(76:80:84) sts.

Work 5 rows.

Next row (dec): Patt 9, Rdec, patt to end of row. 70(74:78:82) sts.

Work 7 rows.

Next row (dec): Patt 9, Rdec, patt to last 12 sts, M1, patt to end of row. 69(73:77:81) sts.

Work 7 rows.

Next row (dec): Patt 9, Rdec, patt to end of row. 67(71:75:79) sts.

Work 5 rows.

Next row (inc): Patt to last 12 sts, M1, patt to end of row. 68(72:76:80) sts.

Work 1 row.

Next row (dec): Patt 9, Rdec, patt to end of row. 66(70:74:78) sts.

Work 7 rows.

Next row (dec): Patt 9, Rdec, patt to end of row. 64(68:72:76) sts.

Work 3 rows.

Next row (inc): Patt to last 12 sts, M1, patt to end of row. 65(69:73:77) sts.

Work 3 rows.

Next row (dec): Patt 9, Rdec, patt to end of row. 63(67:71:75) sts.

Cont straight until armhole meas 20(21:22:23)cm (approx. 68:72:74:78 rows) from cast-on sts at armhole edge, ending with RS facing for next row.

Shape shoulder:

Next row (RS): Patt to last 5(6:6:6) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to end of row.

Next row: Patt to last 10(12:12:12) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to end of row.

Next row: Patt to last 15(18:18:18) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to end of row.

Next row: Patt to last 20(24:24:24) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to end of row.

Next row: Patt to last 25(29:30:30) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to end of row.

Next row: Patt to last 30(34:36:36) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to end of row.

Next row: Patt to last 35(39:42:42) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to end of row.

Next row: Patt to last 40(44:48:48) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to end of row.

Next row: Patt to last 45(49:53:54) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to end of row.

Next row: Patt to last 50(54:58:60) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to end of row.

Next row: Cast off first 8 sts in rib, patt to end of row. 55(59:63:67) sts.

Cut yarn leaving a long end.

Slip these sts onto a holder for shoulder.


Worked in P1, K1 rib and brioche rib, with a mock pocket detail.

Using 3.75mm needles cast on 61(65:69:73) sts and work in P1, K1 rib as foll:

Row 1 (RS): [P1, K1] to last st, P1.

Row 2: [K1, P1] to last st, K1.

Next row (inc): Rib 7 as set, M1, rib as set to end of row.

Inc as above on every foll 4th row until 65(69:73:77) sts.

Work 4 more rows in rib, ending with WS facing for next row, pm at beg of last row.

Cont in brioche rib throughout as foll:

Row 1 (WS): [K1, yfwd, slip next st purlwise] to last st, K1.

Row 2: [P1, K next st tog with its yo] to last st, P1.

Note: Always count the slipped st and its accompanying yarn over as a single stitch.

Work another 17(17:23:23) rows in rib, ending with RS facing for next row.

Work mock pocket detail:

Next row: Patt 17(19:21:23), Dbl inc, pm, patt 5, Ldec, patt to end of row.

Work 3 rows.

Next row: Patt to 1 st before marker, Dbl inc, sm, patt 5, Ldec, patt to end of row. Work 3 rows.

Rep last 4 rows 9 times more.

Cont straight until work meas

35(37:39:41)cm (same number of rows that you worked for back) from cast-on edge, ending with RS facing for next row.

Shape armhole and neck:

Next row (inc, RS): Inc in first st, patt to end of row.

Next row (inc): Patt to last st, inc in next st.

Next row (dec): Inc in first st, patt to last 12 sts, Ldec, patt to end of row.

Next row (inc): Patt to last st, inc in next st.

Next row (inc): Inc in first st, patt to end of row.

Next row (inc): Patt to last st, inc in next st. 69(73:77:81) sts.

Shape armhole edge:

Next row (RS): Cast on 6 sts, patt to end of row. 75(79:83:87) sts.

Work 3 rows.

Next row (dec): Patt to last 12 sts, Ldec, patt to end of row. 73(77:81:85) sts.

Work 7 rows.

Next row (dec): Patt to last 12 sts, Ldec, patt to end of row. 71(75:79:83) sts.

Work 1 row.

Next row (inc): Patt 12, M1, patt to end of row. 72(76:80:84) sts.

Work 5 rows.

Next row (dec): Patt to last 12 sts, Ldec, patt to end of row. 70(74:78:82) sts.

Work 7 rows.

Next row (dec): Patt 12, M1, patt to last 12 sts, Ldec, patt to end of row. 69(73:77:81) sts.

Work 7 rows.

Next row (dec): Patt to last 12 sts, Ldec, patt to end of row. 67(71:75:79) sts.

Work 5 rows.

Next row (inc): Patt 12, M1, patt to end of row. 68(72:76:80) sts.

Work 1 row.

Next row (dec): Patt to last 12 sts, Ldec, patt to end of row. 66(70:74:78) sts. Work 7 rows.

Next row (dec): Patt to last 12 sts, Ldec, patt to end of row. 64(68:72:76) sts.

Work 3 rows.

Next row (inc): Patt 12, M1, patt to end of row. 65(69:73:77) sts.

Work 3 rows.

Next row (dec): Patt to last 12 sts, Ldec, patt to end of row. 63(67:71:75) sts.

Cont straight until armhole meas 20(21:22:23)cm (same number of rows that you worked for back), ending with WS facing for next row.

Shape shoulder:

Next row (WS): Patt to last 5(6:6:6) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to end of row.

Next row: Patt to last 10(12:12:12) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to end of row.

Next row: Patt to last 15(18:18:18) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to end of row.

Next row: Patt to last 20(24:24:24) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to end of row.

Next row: Patt to last 25(29:30:30) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to end of row.

Next row: Patt to last 30(34:36:36) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to end of row.

Next row: Patt to last 35(39:42:42) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to end of row.

Next row: Patt to last 40(44:48:48) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to end of row.

Next row: Patt to last 45(49:53:54) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to end of row.

Next row: Patt to last 50(54:58:60) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to end of row.

Next row: Cast off first 8 sts in rib, patt to end of row. 55(59:63:67) sts.

Cut yarn leaving a long end.

Slip these sts onto a holder for shoulder.


Working in K1, P1 rib, join both shoulders using the three-needle cast-off method with WS of work tog so that the seam is on the outside of your work.


Using 3.25mm needles and with RS facing, pick up and K 6 sts down right back neck, patt as set across 31(31:33:33) sts on holder, and pick up and K 6 sts up left back neck. 43(43:45:45) sts.

Work in K1, P1 rib as foll:

Next row (WS): [K1, P1] to last st, K1.

Next row: [P1, K1] to last st, P1.

Rep last 2 rows until back neckband matches width of front neckbands.

Cast off in rib.


Using 3.25mm needles, cast on 19 sts and work approx. 152(152:162:162)cm (or desired length) as foll:

Row 1 (RS): [P1, K1] to last st, P1.

Row 2: [K1, P1] to last st, K1.

Cast off in rib.

Weave in any ends on the WS of the work. Choose a flat padded surface or blocking board, pin work out to measurements with WS facing. Cover with a damp cloth and gently steam. Leave to dry flat. Join neckband to the cast-off sts at inner front neck.

Join sleeve and side seams.
