
A sleeveless edge-to-edge shrug, worked in one piece to the armholes, and worked in knit and purl stitches to create broken lines of texture bands and contrast with wide K2, P2 rib front edges and matching neckband.


erika knight Wool Local

100% British wool

Approx. 450m per 100g (3½oz) hank



Design shown in all photos is a size Small. Colour: Gritstone. Model: UK size 6. Height: 5’8”.



3(3:4:4:5) x 100g (3½oz) hanks

2.75mm circular needles—lengths 40cm and 100cm

3.25mm circular needle

Stitch marker

Stitch holders

Large-eyed blunt-tipped sewing needle


Yarn amounts given are based on average requirements and are approximate.


25 sts and 46 rows to 10cm measured over eroded stitch patt using 3.25mm needles after steaming. Change needle size as necessary to ensure the correct tension.



Visit to view and download the chart for this project.



Row 1: K1, [P1, K1] to end of row.

Rows 2–6: Rep row 1.

Rows 7–12: K to end of row.

Row 13: K to end of row.

Row 14: P to end of row.

Row 15: K to end of row.

Row 16: P0(4:0:1:2), K0(2:2:2:2), [P5, K2] to last 5(11:7:8:9) sts, P5, K0(2:2:2:2), P0(4:0:1:2).

(On chart, black section shows 7-st rep and coloured lines denote different sizes:

S – blue, M – grey, L – orange,

XL – black, XXL – green.)

Row 17: K to end of row.

Row 18: P to end of row.

Rows 19 and 20: K to end of row.

Row 21: K1, [P1, K1] to end of row.

Row 22: [P1, k1] to last st, P1.

Row 23: P1, [K1, P1] to end of row.

Row 24: [K1, P1] to last st, K1.

Rows 25–32: Rep rows 21–24 twice.

Row 33: K, inc(dec:inc:dec:inc) 1 st at centre of row. 230(254:290:318:350) sts.

Row 34: K to end of row.

Row 35: K to end of row.

Row 36: K2, [P2, K2] to end of row.

Row 37: K to end of row.

Row 38: P2, [K2, P2] to end of row.

Rows 39–44: Rep rows 35–38 once, then rows 35 and 36 once more.

Row 45: K, dec (inc:dec:inc:dec) 1 st at centre of row. 229(255:289:319:349) sts. All following st counts will be based on this number of sts.

Rows 46–50: K to end of row.

These 50 rows set patt and are repeated throughout. If working from chart, be aware of different sizes as marked on row 16.



Worked in K2, P2 rib and eroded stitch patt in one piece to armhole.

Using 2.75mm needles cast on 228(256:288:320:348) sts.

Row 1 (RS): P1, [K2, P2] to last 3 sts, K2, P1.

Row 2: K1, P2, [K2, P2] to last st, K1.

Rep last 2 rows 5 times more, inc(dec:inc:dec:inc) 1 st at centre of last row. 229(255:289:319:349) sts.

Change to 3.25mm needles and work in eroded stitch patt until work meas 23(24:26:27:29)cm from cast-on edge, ending with RS facing for next row.

Shape front edges:

Keeping patt correct, cont as foll:

Next row (dec) (RS): Dec 1 st at both ends of next and every foll 6th row until 221(247:283:313:343) sts.

Work 3(3:5:5:1) row(s), ending with RS facing for next row.

Divide for armholes:

Next row (RS): Patt 51(57:67:73:82), turn and leave rem 170(190:216:240:261) sts on a holder.

Right front:

Cont in patt and work 2(2:0:0:4) rows.

Next row (dec) (WS): P1, P2tog, work in patt to end of row.

Keeping patt correct; rep this dec row every 6th row until 45(53:59:66:76) sts.

Then rep the dec row every 8th row until 39(45:53:60:68) sts.

Cont without shaping until work meas 19(20:21:22:23)cm from divide, ending with RS facing for next row.

Shape shoulder:

Next row (RS): Patt to last 4(4:5:5:5) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to end of row.

Next row: Patt to 3(3:3:4:4) sts before last wrapped st, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to end of row.

Rep the last 2 rows 1(7:14:6:14) times more.

Sizes S, M and XL only:

Next row (RS): Patt to 2(2:-:3:-) sts before last wrapped st, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to end of row.

Rep the last 2 rows 12(6:-:7:-) times more.

All sizes:

Next row (RS): Patt across all sts, picking up wraps as you work. Leave these sts on a holder.


With RS facing, rejoin yarn to rem sts and patt 119(133:149:167:179) sts for back, leave rem 51(57:67:73:82) sts on a holder.

Cont in patt until work meas 19(20:21:22:23) cm from divide, ending with RS facing for next row.

Shape shoulders:

Next row (RS): Patt to last 4(4:4:5:5) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to last 4(4:4:5:5) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to 3(3:3:4:4) sts before last wrapped st, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to 3(3:3:4:4) sts before last wrapped st, wrap next st turn.

Rep last 2 rows 1(7:14:6:14) times more.

Sizes S, M and XL only:

Next row (RS): Patt to 2(2:-:3:-) sts before last wrapped st, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to 2(2:-:3:-) sts before last wrapped st, wrap next st, turn.

Rep last 2 rows 12(6:-:7:-) times more.

All sizes:

Next row (RS): Patt across all sts, picking up wraps as you work.

Leave 39(45:53:60:68) sts on holder for first shoulder, 41(43:43:47:43) sts on second holder for back neck and last 39(45:53:60:68) sts on third holder for second shoulder.

Cut yarn leaving a long end.


With RS facing, rejoin yarn to rem sts for left front, patt to end of row. 51(57:67:73:82) sts.

Work 2(2:0:0:4) rows in patt.

Next row (dec, WS): Work in patt to last 3 sts, P2tog tbl, P1.

Keeping patt correct; rep this dec row every 6th row until 45(53:59:66:76) sts. Then rep the dec row every 8th row until 39(45:53:60:68) sts.

Cont straight in patt until work meas 19(20:21:22:23)cm from divide, ending with WS facing for next row.

Shape shoulder:

Next row (WS): Patt to last 4(4:5:5:5) sts, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to end of row.

Next row: Patt to 3(3:3:4:4) sts before last wrapped st, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to end of row.

Rep last 2 rows 1(7:14:6:14) times more.

Sizes S, M and XL only:

Next row (WS): Patt to 2(2:-:3:-) sts before last wrapped st, wrap next st, turn.

Next row: Patt to end of row.

Rep last 2 rows 12(6:-:7:-) times more.

All sizes:

Next row (WS): Patt across all sts, picking up wraps as you work.


Join both shoulders using the three-needle cast-off method with WS of work tog so that the seam is on the outside of your garment.


With RS facing, using 2.75mm circular needle pick up and K 81(84:90:96:102) sts up right front to start of neck shaping, 133(137:137:141:141) sts up front neck shaping, K across 41(43:43:47:43) sts on holder for back neck and AT SAME TIME dec 1 st, pick up and K 133(137:137:141:141) sts down front neck shaping and 81(84:90:96:102) sts down left front edge to hem. 468(484:496:520:528) sts.

Row 1 (WS): K1, [P2, K2] to last 3 sts, P2, K1.

Row 2: K3, [P2, K2] to last st, K1.

Rep last 2 rows until neckband meas 4.5cm, ending with RS facing for next row.

Cast off in rib.


Worked in the round in stocking stitch and K2, P2 rib.

With RS facing, using 2.75mm circular needle pick up and K 132(140:144:152:160) sts evenly around armhole edge. Pm for start of round.

K 4 rounds.

Next round: [K2, P2] to end of round.

Rep last round until armband meas 4cm.

Cast off in rib.

Weave in any ends on the WS of the work. Choose a flat padded surface or blocking board, pin work out to measurements with WS facing. Cover with a damp cloth and gently steam. Leave to dry flat.
