TEACHER: Does anyone else have feedback on that?
CLASSMATE #4 (PHOEBE): (pointing to Frankie and Phoenix) You guys should do it!
TEACHER: Thank you, Phoebe. Class dismissed. Enjoy Winter Break—I know I will!
As everyone rises to file out...
PHOENIX: I think you forgot something.
FRANKIE: (to Phoenix) Oh. Hey, thanks for that. I want to be a writer someday, so I actually care what people say about my stuff.
PHOENIX: I understood your piece.
FRANKIE: Who are you, and why are you being so strangely nice to me?
PHOENIX: I’m a casual fan. (then) Hey, are you going to that party tonight?
FRANKIE: (chuckling) Lancer’s? Nah, I don’t really do those red cup parties.
PHOENIX: I might go.
FRANKIE: Yeah, me too.
FRANKIE: Well, life has a funny way
PHOENIX: Of sneaking up on you
FRANKIE: Yeah life has a funny, funny way / Of helping you out
FRANKIE/PHOENIX: Helping you out
They look into each other’s eyes. Frankie is flustered by this intense attention from a kindred spirit. They walk off as if in a daze. Jo watches them depart, curious, maybe a little jealous...